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[[2 column table]]
|Span|36 feet|
|Chord|5 feet|
|Aspect ratio|7:1:1|
|Over all length|20 feet|
|Fuselage|Triangular truss of welded steel tubing.|
|Landing gear|Special Franklin combination airwheel and force-and-aft skis.|
|External bracing|Four stream-line steel tube struts|
|Brake|Positive action, operated by left hand|
|Spars|I-beam section - imported birch plywood core - Spruce cap strips|
|Leading edges|Imported birch plywood.|
|Ailerons|Differential type - Franklin design.|
|Tail group|Elliptical design.|
|Elevator weight|Spring balanced.|
|Control|Push-pull tubes - standard powerplane pedals.|
|Stressed|For 138 m.p.h. in vertical dive.|
|Weight (empty)|195 pounds.|