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"I destroyed all my pictures and files about soaring except those pertaining to you and your gliding and soaring and your children. That is color, modern America well seasoned with the old fashioned virtues that makes the layman cease to be bored and listen to you a Mother, so amazingly young to have such grown children."

Bob Stanley, the world altitude soaring champion writes:
Bob Stanley writes:

"As for advise on the subject, I'm afraid that about all I can say is for you to cover the subject as you find it neceasary if you were explaining soaring to a lady friend of yours. I am sure that soaring will benefit greatly by yourinvasion into a field heretofore not covered by previous special or informative magazine articles." ( enclosures of his experiences) the memories of all the questions of the fair sex and the sex and thememories of all the [[?]] pilots in the country who flew W.D.C. to give me a ride in their ships after my "C', (and whom I am sure I disappointed in trying to fly their ships) I felt sure of the way to write my soaring article.

The Aviation magazines were full of stories on soaring this Spring, some I read and one with the most information and by a very good friend of mine, I ignored, as it was sawdust in my mouth. And I a soaring pilot and a fan!

I combined the "I do mean you attitude", the personal,(even my letters from Eleanor Roosevelt are that slant tapped out on her portable by herself) so I felt I could not MISS!

I therefore finding the queen could do no wrong, wrote my article first person, wrapped my subject up in a prelude of vehicles, common denominator of/universal knowledge and reminiscence,