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                                      January 23, 1939.
Mrs. Hattie Meyers Junkin,
4536 Lowell Street NW.,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mrs. Junkin:
     Because of our connection with the airmen training program, your letter of January 15th addressed to the President has been referred to the Authority by the White House. 
     For your information there are inclosed copies of two press releases containing details relative to the program referred to. From the information you have given it would seem that one with your experience might be of particular value to some of the institutions which will undertake this training, or perhaps the manufacturers, lists of which are inclosed. 
                            Sincerely yours, 
                            For the Authority:
                            [[signature]] W.B. Fulton
                            W.B. Fulton, Chief,
                            Correspondence Unit.