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Golden "C" Pilots
[right most column] Stanly, lt. Robert M.
[2nd column] Robinson, John
[3rd column] Barringer, Lewing B. D
[4th column] Decker, Chester J.

Silver "C" Pilots
[Right most column] 
Abrams, Herbert C.
Auburn, Robert
Bellak, Theodore G.
Bennis, Stephen J.
Boggs, Frank S., Jr.
Briegleb, William G.
Brown, Woodbridge P.
Chapman, Randall M.
Charles, J. Shelly
Corcoran, Stanley, R.
Dent, Frederick R., Jr.
DuPont, Richard C. D

[2nd column]
Essery, Alan R.
Fischer, Udo
Hadley, Julian F.
Hall, George E.
Hoffman, Arther M.
Huber, Harold W.
Hurtt, Franklin E.
Johnson, Richard
Laine, Paul Edwin
Lehecka, Emil A
Leonard, Parker
Maxey, Lyle A.

[3rd column]
McHenry, Harland, L.
Melhose, Emerson
Merboth, Warren E.
Morrison, L. Howard
O'Meara, John K.
Parker, Raymon H.
Pfeiffer, Theodore
Putnam, William H.
Ross, Harland C.
Schultz, Arthur B.
Schweizer, Paul A.
See, Clarence W., Jr.

[4th column]
Simpson, James A.
Smith, Stanley W.
Steinhauser, Joseph
Stephens, W. Harvey
Stevens, Donald C.
Stiglmeir, Henry
Stiglmeier, Herman J.
Sweet, Floyd J.
Tuntland, Paul
Wightman, Henry N.
Zook, Elmer

"C" Certificate Pilots
[Right column}
Abrams, Herbert C.
Adams, Fred M.
Amams, Kilbern Elle
Alexander, Donald M.
Ames, Adelbert, III
Amick, Arther H., Jr.
Andrews, Allen
Andrews, Edward F.
Adnrews, John W.
Andross, Elgin D.
Anthony, Joseph G.
Apgar, Frank
Applegate, Arthur L.
Archer,Max M.
Arnold, Hurbert A.
Artran, Arrion P.
Asher, Glaen V.
Asmus, Edward Paul
Bacon, Frank, Jr.
Bacon, George R.
Badenoch, Benjamin W.
Bailey, Robert A.
Baker, Gerald Delaine
Ballard, Walter M.
Barnaby, Hattie M. [handwritten astericks by name]
Barnaby, Ralph S.
Barnes, Fred C.
Barstow, John C.
Bartelt, Donovan E.
Barton, Edward T.
Barton, J. Leslie
Baum, Clarence H., Jr.
Belobradich, Harry F.
Bemis, John R.
Bender, Welcome W., Jr.
Bennett, George A.
Bennis, Virginia M.
Bernard, Clinton W.
Betz, Roscoe A.
Bidlingmeyer, Arthur H.
Blossom, Howard C.
Blue, Harvey W.
Bodenlos, William E.
Bonney, Theodore C.
Bonotaux, Leon A.
Boone, David R.
Booth, Delbert E.
Bothwick, Jean
Bowen, Harold J.
Bowers, John Stanton
Bowlus, W. Hawley
Boyer, Taylor M.
Bradisse, John G.

[2nd column]
Braendel, Feliz W.
Braendel, Helmuth W.
Brett, Raymond E.
Briegleb, William G.
Brookhart, John W.
Brooks, Bert B.
Brooks, Stephen E.
Brown, Thomas W.
Brunton, Frederick K.
Brunton, Laura M.
Bucher, Joseph L.
Buell, Robert
Burr, Howard E.
Buxton, Jay D
Buxton, Lucretia
Bystrom, Martin A. D
Caffee, Don F.
Calladine, Gerald T.
Calloway, Hasson
Canney, John J,. Jr.
Cardenas, Robert L.
Carey, Robert F.
Casey, George W.
Calser, John R.
Casler, Ray
Chambers, Donald J.
Chapman, Randall D
Chardon, Felix E. A.
Charles, Elery D.
Clark, John M.
Claybaker, Dale w.
Cocke, William A., Jr.
Cohen, Benjamin H.
Comer, Harry Oscar
Compton, Francis B.
Conace, Frank
Cone, Maxwell
Congdon, George E.
Conn, Joseph W.
Cook, William H., Jr.
Copithorn, Rhodes H.
Cotton, Thomas J.
Craig, Bruce K., Jr.
Cramer, Richard R.
Crissman, William J.
Currier, Wilson C., Jr.
Csizmansky, Charles J. D
Dalton, George M.
Danenberg, Lawrence W.
Darling, Dana L.
Davey, Thomas C.

[3rd column]
Davis, Donald W.
Dawydoff, Alexis
Decker, Ward C.
Delay, Gerald J. V.
DeMarco, James A.
Dennison, James T.
Devereux, Antelo
Dixon, Ralph L.
Dolger, William
Donovan, Allen F.
Doyle, Roderick
Drum, J. Nathan
DuBois, Louis F.
Dunn, James, Jr.
DuPont, E. Paul
Dziewialtowski, Otgut V.
Eade, Frederick P.
Eaton, Robert J. D
Eaton, Warren E. D
Edgar, Laurence E.
Edwards, John Warrall
Eikenberry, Robert S.
Ellett, Henry D., Jr.
Ely, Lawrence D.
Enyart, William R.
Errickson, Edward W.
Essery, Allen R.
Ewald, Phillip R.
Ewart, William L.
Facey, Warren E.
Fairbanks, Murray N.
Fairbanks, Anthony M.
Farnsworth, Maxwell P.
Fassett, Jacob S., III
Fassler, Edward A.
Feierabend, Louis B.
Fellows, Pierce C., Jr.
Ferry, Clarke Steven
Figley, Richard E.
Findiesen, Kenneth
Foote, George B.
Ford, John J.
Franklin, Roswell E.
Franklin, Wallace H.
Freeman, Samuel T.
Frost, Richard H.
Fuller, Charles W.
Fulmer, Edgar
Funk, Howard C.
Funk, Joseph C.

[4th column]
Gale, Charles H.
Gamble, James L.
George, Thomas C.
Germain, Jay C., Jr.
Gilder, Rodman, Jr.
Gilliam, Howell James
Goldstien, Paul
Goodman, Ralph R.
Gordon, Marvin J.
Greggo, James J.
Greig, Thomas W.
Groenhoff, Hans
Guilder, Rodman
Gunter, William T.

Hass, Christian B.
Hageman, Carl F.
Hall, George E., Jr.
Hall, Roland A.
Hall, Stanley A.
Haller, Augustine C.
Hamilton, Donald M.
Hammond, Wesley B.
Hanff, George E.
Hardy, G Dayton
Harmatuk, Samuel N.
Harper, Glen V.
Harper, Louis K., III
Harell, Carl E.
Harris, Henry B. D
Hastings, Albert E.
Hauck, Atlee
Haufe, Walter H.
Haviland, Keith
Heideman, Walter D.
Hedderly, Harley M.
Hellenberg, William
Helvie, Bruce L.
Herbert, Robert B.
Hess, Lester C.
Heyl, Russell G., Jr.
Higgins, Robert Emerson
Hildebrandt, H. Thornton
Hill, David C.
Hipert, Arvis L.
Hippler, William P.
Hirth, A. W. Roland
Hobart, Charles F.
Hochreiter, Charles F.
Hoffman, Arthur M.
Holderman, Dorothy C.
Hoderman, Russell H.
Holleman, Woodrow W.