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Requirements For Glider Pilot Certificates [[2 columns]] [[column 1]]
Civil Air Regulations Part 20 - Pilot Certificates
Effective July 1, 1945
20.0 Student Pilot Certificate
20.01 Age (B) Gliders. 14 years
If an applicant is less than 21 years of age at the time of making application, he shall submit with his application the written consent of either legal or natural parent.
20.02 Citizenship. Applicant shall be a loyal citizen of the United States or of a friendly foreign government not under the domination of or associated with any government with which the United States is at war. (Wartime regulation to be revised when conditions permit.)
20.03 Education. Applicant shall be able to read, speak, and understand the English language or an appropriate operation limitation will be placed on the student pilot certificate.
20.04 Physical Standards. (B) Glider. Applicant shall have no known physical defect which renders him incompetent to pilot a glider, and shall so certify.
20.05 Aeronautical Knowledge. None.

20.2 Private Pilot Rating
20.20 Age. (B) Glider. 14 years.
20.21 Citizenship. Same as for Student Glider Pilot Rating.
20.22 Education. Same as for Student Glider Pilot Rating.
20.23 Physical Standards (B) Glider. Same as Student Glider Pilot Rating.
20.24 Aeronautical Knowledge. Applicant for a glider rating shall have passed the written examination prescribed in C.A.R. Part 43.52 (B) (See 1 below) within the preceding 24 calender months.
20.25 Aeronautical Experience. (B) Glider. Applicant for a glider rating shall have had at least 100 gliding flights, 25 of which must have included a 360 degree turn.
20.26 Aeronautical Skill. (B) Glider.
(1) One flight with a 180 degree turn and down-wind landing.
(2) Two flights with a 360 degree turn to right and left, respectively, landing each time at a point beyond and within 200 feet of a designated line or point.
(3) Two flights with right and left turns in each flight. [[/column 1]]

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20.3 Commercial Pilot Rating

20.30 Age. 18 years

20.31 Citizenship. Applicant shall be a loyal citizen of the United States or of a friendly foreign government not under the domination of or associated with any government with which the United States is at war and which government grants reciprocal commercial pilot privileges to citizens of the United States on equal terms and conditions with citizens of such foreign government. A certificate may be issued to an applicant who is a citizen of a friendly foreign government which does not grant reciprocal privileges, but the effectiveness of such certificate shall in any event terminate 6 months after the war and may be terminated by the Administrator at any time without notice.

20.32 Education. Applicant shall be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language.

20.33 Physical Standards. (B) Glider. Applicant shall pass a written examination on such of the provisions of Parts 43 and 60 as are pertinent, or hold a powered aircraft rating.

20.35  Aeronautical Experience. (B) Glider. Applicant shall have had at least 250 gliding flights or 150 gliding flights and 5 hours of soaring. At least 5 of such flights must have been made within 60 days preceding the date of application. Applicant also shall have had at least one hour of flight instruction in recovery from stalls and spins. An applicant who is the holder of a private or commercial rating for powered aircraft who has had not less than 100 gliding flights or 50 gliding flights and 5 hours of solo soaring time will be deemed to have met the requirements of this section.

20.36 Aeronautical Skill.  Applicant shall competently perform the following maneuvers:  (B) Glider.
(1) flight with a 180 degree turn and down wind landing;
(2) Two flights with a 360 degree turn to right and left, respectively, landing each time beyond and within 100 feet of a designated line or point;
(3) Two flights with right and left turns in each flight.

Civil Air Regulations Part 43--General Operation Rules
43.5 Student Pilot Limitations
43.52 Flight Area Limitations. (B) he has passed a written examination on the pertinent provisions of Part 43 and those of Part 60 dealing with contact flight rules. [[/column 2]]
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From the Sporting Angle
"A"--The candidate must make a flight of one minute duration with two "S" turns. The landing following this flight must be normal. Before taking this test the candidate must have made two flights, each of at least 45 seconds duration. The Civil Aeronautics Administration non-commercial license will be accepted in lieu of a flight test as qualification for the "A" Certificate.

"B"--The candidate must demonstrate his ability to make a 360 degree turn both to left and right. The landing must be normal. Towlines used for "B" Certificate qualifications flight should not exceed 500 feet in length. The Civil Aeronautics Administration commercial license will be accepted in lieu of flight test as qualification for the "B" Certificate. [[/column 1]]

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"C"--In order to obtain the certificate for soaring, the candidate must make a flight above his starting point (point of release) of at least five minute--or a flight of at least five minutes without loss of altitude. In the latter case the flight must be recorded by a barograph.

SILVER "C"--In order to obtain the Silver "C" Certificate, the Candidate must have: "C" Certificate; five hours duration; 3280 feet above point of release in altitude; thirty two miles distance. Altitude and distance must be made on separate flights. Duration may be combined with either.
GOLDEN "C"--In order to obtain the Golden "C" Certificate, the candidate must have: Silver "C" Certificate; 9840 feet above point of release in altitude; 186.4 miles distance. [[/column 2]]