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Contest Rules and Regulations

This is not official, merely some of the regulations from the official listing to give spectators general information about the operation of the contest.

Time and Place
The thirteenth annual national soaring contest will officially open with a pilots' meeting on Saturday, August 3, at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, at Harris Hill, Elmira, N.Y., and will officially close on Sunday, August 18, and barographs must be in by 3:00 p.m. for credit on point awards.

Entry of Pilots
Any properly certified pilot may enter provided he is an active member of the Soaring Society of America. Non-SSA members may join on arrival at Elmira.

A contestant is defined as a pilot who has been duly entered in the 13th Annual National Soaring Contest. To be accepted the application must show that the applicant possesses a glider certificate issued by CAA; a "C" soaring certificate issued by SSA; certified log books must be presented at time of arrival.

Entry of Gliders
There is no restriction as to the number of types of gliders that may be entered in this contest except that primary gliders are ineligible to compete. In order to be entered, a glider must be federally certified by the CAA.

Contest Flights
A contestant may take off and fly at all times during which operations are being conducted throughout the period of the contest. Those flights which a contestant makes that meet or exceed contest requirements will be classed as contest flights. A contest flight is defined as a flight for which a contestant is eligible to receive points in the point award competition.

Contest flights may be made from locations designated on each day of the contest as official launching areas. In order to be wheeled into position for a launching at take-off point, a contestant and his glider must be ready to fly. (Take-off card filled out, signed and checked.)

Order of Take-off
The launching order will be based on the order of readiness to fly.

Use of Launching Areas
A contestant may choose to take off from any of the areas being used for launchings.

Soaring Over Particular Areas
A contestant will be given a reasonable opportunity to get clear of the immediate vicinity of the launching area before the next launching is made, but he should cooperate in so doing as soon as he has gained a safe altitude. A contestant will be expected to leave a soaring ridge as soon as he has gained sufficient altitude to start off on a cross-country flight. A contestant may soar back and forth over a ridge, if he has specified that he intends to try for his Silver "C" duration requirements, provided it meets with the approval of the contest manager and staff,

Contest Flight Requirements
To make a contest flight, a contestant must exceed the minimum requirements of 1,000 feet altitude and/or five miles distance. For his first performance to be recorded in which a "C" pilot meets or exceeds the Silver "C" requirements in each of the three categories, a bonus of 100 points will be awarded. Not more than 200 bonus points may be earned during any one contest flight. Any contestant exceeding Golden "C" distance requirements will receive double his points for that day, provided that he elects not to fly on the succeeding day and provided that a contest flight is made the succeeding day. A bonus of 200 points will be awarded for Golden "C" requirements not previously fulfilled, to each contestant for each of his first distance and altitude flights to exceed 186.4 miles and 9,840 feet respectively. A bonus of 500 points will be awarded for any flight exceeding the American records existing on the opening day of the contest except for duration.

National Soaring Champion- His Selection
The National Soaring Champion shall be declared that person who amasses the largest total contest flight points. Points earned in flight performance will be counted in determining the National Soaring Champion, they include all extra points including those classed as bonus points. The Soaring Champion must be a citizen of the United States.

Goal Flights
All contestants are eligible to compete at all times during the contest for the Open Goal Flight Prizes. Special Flight Prizes are restricted to contestants whose highest rating is the "C" certificate. A bonus of 100%, on the distance points earned, will be given any contestant making a goal flight with return. In order to be eligible for any goal flight prize, a contestant must announce his intended destination on his take-off card and specify his landing place. The flight points earned for the distance covered on a Goal Flight attempt will be increased by 25% if the contestant lands at his announced goal.

Method for Computing Points
On each day during which the contest flights are made, the best altitudes, distances and ground speeds will be awarded 100 points. The points for contest flight performances falling below the daily maxima will be determined as linear ratios of the maxima.

Requirements for Cross-Country Soaring
Pilots planning on cross-country flying away from the immediate vicinity of the contest will be required to wear parachutes.

Barograph Requirements
Pilots will be required to possess barographs for their craft, whether owned, rented, or borrowed. All barographs must be calibrated by the barograph staff before they can be used, for which a minimum time of 24 hours must be allowed.

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