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1946 Contest Committee
of the 
Elmira Association of Commerce

Raymond A. Perry 
Hygeia Refrigerating Co. 

Edward A. Mooers
the Hilliard Corporation 

Youston Sekella 
Eclipse Machine Division 

James Beecher 
Lin S. Chapel., Inc. 

George W. Peck, II
Association of Commerce

Paul A. Schweizer 
Schweizer Aircraft Corp. 

L. Jerome Wolcott
Association of Commerce 


In the compilation of material for this program, many persons and organization have been of great assistance. Before acknowledging this kind assistance, your editor wishes to state that, in all probability, some errors and omissions have inadvertently crept into the program. We regret our deficiencies and apologize now for any and all faults. 
  Our more grateful appreciation is expressed to Fred Loomis for the many photographs furnished which encompass nearly all reproduced in this program; to Elmira Gliding Club for the use of many "cuts" which they Kindly permitted use to use; to the Curtis Publishing Company for materially facilitating the publication of the program; to Mr. T.P. Wright for his most pertinent forward; to Lee Young, of Elmira, N.Y. for his excellent aerial view of the airport; to President Barnaby, Secretary Gale and the Soaring Society of America for much information; to Earl Southee, Schweizer Aircraft Corporation, and others for advice and information; and especially to the Advertisers in this program for their fine financial support.  
   OT the readers we offer a word of explanation. the upsetting influence of a terrible was has caused the compilation of some statistics to be retarded. The short time elapsed between the award Contest to Elmira and the date of the Contest has presented further difficulties in the compilation of material. The shortage of book papers has forced the use of stock not up to our desires. I craving your indulgence, we ask that you take these conditions into your consideration and judge not too harshly. 
