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Soaring..(not 1940's Hattie Meyers Junkin

Page 8

  Other friends, Edward P. Warner, editor of AVIATION magazine, now Civil Aeronautics appointee; Earl Southee, Civilian Flying Instructor, from Rich Field, Waco, Texas. War One; once Secretary of the Soaring Society of America; Gus Haller, from Pa. builder of an extra span wing type Sailplane; Hawley Bowlus, teacher of both Lindbergh's straight glides in California; to name a few.

Many injuries, mostly minor to both gliders and pilots which I added mine. I was coming in for a landing, caught in a sudden rain squall. Couldn't get one wing up so landed iKc6nfucious way", one wing low! The hammock seat dispersed my elevating cushions smacking my Lumbar One on the metal cross bar. Back to Washington, with care for left leg. The next year, we would be licensed with Wm. Enyart, N.A.A. Official clocking our licenses.
  The Meet ended in unbelievable glory, 99 flights, 14 gliders, four of them sailplanes, 10 of them Franklins. There were about six pilots or more to each glider, club fashion. There were 21 "C" Soaring licenses all won by the men. No women except myself competeting so I had to wait until 1931.
  Albert Hastings won the Evans Trophy Soaring seven hours, 43 minutes and eleven seconds: Anyone with a stop watch to count the seconds was a popular as a Hollywood idol.
  Soaring had been initiated in America, characteristically with streamlined improvement over design, efficiency and dash:
  I had noticed on reverse side of my gliding records, there was a motion in N.Y. State in 1930 to compel licensing of all aircraft. Universal now, but as yet some States not required by Federal law to register gliders.