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eceiving Associated Press News
Y, MAY 27, 1929      TWO CENTS

Fort Worth in Air 172 Hours; Speed, Altitude Marks Shattered; Ocean Planes Ready.
Special to the Blade
With all motors functioning beautifully, aviation, the infant industry, roared into the new week Monday far in advance of all competitors in the matter of public interest. 
Virtually every news story of importance throughout the nation is either intimately or remotely connected with the flying art. 

Endurance Mark Broken.
Outstanding is the feat of R.L. Robbins and James Kelly in breaking the endurance record for all types of aircraft at Fort Worth, Tex. The hitherto unknown pilots who kept their single-motored, rebuild monoplane, the Fort Worth, aloft for 172 hours, 32 minutes and two seconds, were sleeping the sleep of victory Monday while flying enthusiasts everywhere marveled at their accomplishment.

While the Fort Worth aviators were coming to earth, Owen Haughland, Robinsdale, Minn. and Gene Shank, Minneapolis, took off from Wichita in a Cennna monoplane in search of a still endurance mark. They were still aloft and "going strong" Monday. 

Transoceanic Planes Ready
At old Orchard, Me., two crews of transatlantic flyers-American and French-were waiting impatiently to take off on non-stop hops to Rome and Paris. Latest indications were that neither plane would get away before Tuesday.

The air departments of both the army and navy likewise are playing parts in the aviation pageant now passing in review before the pulic.

In Washington, the navy is exulting over the smashing of all speed records for standard naval seaplanes by Lieut. W. C. Tomlinson. Lieutenant Tomlinson drove his Wasp-motored Curtiss fighter over a 100-mile course to win the 10th Curtiss marine trophy race at an average speed of 175.01 miles an hour.

It is significant to note that only on serious accident was reported of almost innumerable flying activities of the week-end. 

At Summit, N. J., Pilot Richard Perry is dead and two passengers are injured as the result of the crash of a "sightseeing" plane.

French Set Record
Two French army pilots, reports reveal, Monday were in possession of the world's speed record for 5,000 kilometers. The two, Commandants Weiss and Girier, flew for 26 hours at an average speed of 111.78 miles an hour.

At Dessau, Germany, the altitude record went by the boards when a Junkers monoplane rose to a height of 41,010 feet.

Announcement was made in Russia that Aug. 9 a Russian plane will leave Moscow on a 12,500-mile flight to New York by way of Siberia and Alaska.

In Washington, the army announced the appointment of 224 students to the army corps fields at San Antonio, Tex., and Riverside Calif [[cutoff]]
Life Threatened
[[image of woman]]
Constance Morrow
Reported threats against the life of Miss Constance Morrow, youngest daughter of Ambassador and Mrs. Dwight B. Morrow, are being investigated, since the hurried departure of the family and Col. Charles A. Lindbergh for the Morrow summer home at North Haven, Me.
German Flier Hits 41,000-Foot Mark
Special to the Blade
Dessau, Germany, May 27-Willy Neunhofer, young German aviator, was being hailed as the world's altitude flying champion Monday following his sensational feat in reaching a height of 41,000 feet in a Junker monoplane of the same type as the transatlantic airplane "Bremen."

Neunhofer's record is subject to confirmation by the International Aeronautic federation.
"Buck" Weaver's Son, 10, Flies Plane by Himself
Youngster Earns Wings on Trip From Lorain to Cedar Point; Takes Controls From Parker Cramer, Noted Pilot.
THE flying son of a flying father earned his wings Sunday morning when George "Buck" Weaver, 10, a fourth grade pupil at Whittier school, son of "Buck" Weaver, former army flying instructor, took over the controls of a Cessna monoplane high in the air and piloted the ship from Lorain to Cedar Point, a distance of 50 miles.

Returning to Toledo from Cleveland with his mother, Mrs. Hattie Meyers Junkin, widow of two airmen and one of the two women members of the "Early Birds," an exclusive air organization, "Buck" took over the controls of the big Cessna from the Parker Cramer, noted flier, while flying 2,800 feet above Lorain.

Speeding through the air at 110 miles an hour, "Buck" amazed both his mother and Cramer by handling the plane like a veteran.

To test the youngster's knowledge of airplane handling, Cramer put him through several turns and banks, "Buck" handling them like a veteran pilot. The trip from Cleveland to Toledo was made in 45 minutes.

It was "Buck's" first time at the controls of a plane in the air, the young airman having had considerable handling of a plane on the ground.

The youngster was given a royal greeting at Cleveland by a number of mail fliers, in addition of Major Berry, commandant of the Cleveland airport, who was a flying instructor with "Buck's" father in the army air corps.

Parker Cramer, whose air life has been crowded with thrills, was frank to admit that "Buck" gave him an added thrill by handling the plane without any suggestions from him. Cramer plans to continue the boy's flying instructions personally, so pleased is he with "Buck's" ability [[cutoff]]
Ft. Miami Event Marked by Smashup of Two Autos.
S. H. Jarrett and Sam Ross, speedsters who competed in the 100-mile auto race at Fort Miami Sunday were injured when their cars went through the railings.

Jarrett received a broken arm when his car skidded on the curve near the grandstand, went through the rail and crashed into a telephone pole. He was able to climb from the wreckage and get into the ambulance unassisted.

Ross, in trying to avoid crashing into another machine, drove his automobile through the outside railing on "death's curve." His arm and leg were broken.

The accident happened on the same curve where a racing driver was killed in a triple smashup last year. Both injured men were taken to a hospital in Clegg's ambulance.
eparations Settlement
Can Make Little 
Progress Before
oung Tries to Persuade
Germany to Accept
Allied Revision
of Its Plan.
ecial Cable to the Toledo Blade and the 
cago Daily News, Inc. Copyright, 1929)
Paris, May 27-The final 
parations settlement still is
adlocked and promises to
ntinue more or less so until
er the British elections
There have been a number of de-
opments, however. The Germans, 
will be remembered, accepted
airman Owen D. Young's figure of
annuities of 2,050,000,000 marks
h with reservations, and the Al-
accepted it in principle but
h "bookkeeping" changes which 
ught the figure in reality to 81,-
,000 a year more. They have 
ce revised this to 50,000,000.
Mr. Young's present endeavor
ms to be to persuade the Ger-
ns to accept the allies' readjust-
nts of the German reservations
also to persuade the allies to 
p their bookkeeping ideas and 
ng down the annuity to the origi-
Young figure. To this end he
urging that the problem of dis-
ution of the annuity among the 
es be left for the governments to
tle later. Also, with the help of
British he is urging that the
marks settlement between Bel-
m and Germany be left to the
Now that the Belgian elections are 
r, with apparently no great
nge in the Belgian political sit-
ion, this idea should be accepted
re easily than was possible prior
the elections. Conversations are
ntinuing actively.
Meanwhile, France has informed
United States it intends to recon-
er ratification of the Mellon-
enger war debts agreement con-
rently with the experts' report
reparations as soon as this is
cluded, and the United States
ernment accordingly has prom-
d France to try to get the war 
cks payment, due Aug. 1, post-
ed by congress to May 1, 1930.
e French Socialist party has
ed a resolution protesting against
experts' method of making all 
uctions in that part of the 
uity reserved for actual repara-
ns instead of the part of the 
nuity reserved to pay war debts
the United States.
The Socialists demand an appeal
made to the United States on this
ject, giving absolute priority to
arations over war debts, and
mising French support to the 
ited States in the disarmament 
estion. Premier Poincare has re-
ed that the Socialists cannot dis-
s these matters in the chamber
deputies until the experts' report
finished and has told the foreign