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[[four-columned newspaper]]

[[first column]]

[cut off] marks settlement between Ber[cut off] and Germany be left to the [cut off]rnments.

[cut off]w that the Belgian elections are [cut off] with apparently no great [cut off] in the Belgian political sit-[cut off] [cut off]on, this idea should be accepted [cut off]e easily than was possible prior [cut off]he elections. Conversations are [cut off]inuing actively.

[cut off]eanwhile, France has informed [cut off] United States it intends to recon-[cut off] ratification of the Mellon-[cut off] [cut off]enger war debts agreement con-[cut off] [cut off]ently with the experts' report [cut off]reparations as soon as this is [cut off]luded, and the United States [cut off]ernment accordingly has prom-[cut off] France to try to get the war [cut off]ks payment, due Aug. 1, post-[cut off] by congress to May 1, 1930.

French Socialist party has [cut off]d a resolution protesting against [cut off] experts' method of making all [cut off]ctions in that part of the [cut off]uity reserved for actual repara-[cut off] [cut off]s instead of the part of the [cut off]uity reserved to pay war debts [cut off]he United States.

[cut off]he Socialists demand an appeal [cut off]ade to the United States on this [cut off]ect, giving absolute priority to [cut off]rations over war debts, and [cut off]mising French support to the [cut off]ed States in the disarmament [cut off]stion. Premier Poincare has re-[cut off] that the Socialists cannot dis-[cut off] these matters in the chamber [cut off]eputies until the experts' report [cut off]nished and has told the foreign [cut off]irs commission that he can give [cut off] no information on the subject [cut off]l he has seen the whole report.


[cut off]rl's Accident Case Near Close


[cut off]ainesville, O., May 27 (AP) - Trial [cut off]he $250,000 suit brought in the [cut off]he of Helen Buschman, 22, in-[cut off] former Lake Erie college stu-[cut off], against the Great Lakes [cut off]ges Co. for injuries received in [cut off]us accident at Mentor, O., Jan. [cut off] 1928, neared the jury Monday. [cut off] lay in a semi-comatose condition [cut off] months after the accident and [cut off] is unable to speak plainly or [cut off] her limbs, according to the suit. [cut off]ompletion of the defense case, [cut off]ed on the charge that she was [cut off]ligent, is near, with only rebut-[cut off] witnesses, arguments of attor-[cut off] and the charge to the jury to [cut off]ow.


[cut off] Busy at Play


[cut off]ncerned Over His [cut off] Penalty.


[cut off]world's youngest convicted mur-[cut off] Monday with a toy train, happily [cut off]hat hangs over him for the shot-[cut off] Cecil Van Hoose, following a [cut off]

[cut off]mposition of the long term in a [cut off]lf of the young slaver Saturday.

[[portrait with subtitle "Carl Mahan"]]

[[second column]]

[cut off] from Lorain to Cedar Point, a distance of 50 miles. 

Returning to Toledo from Cleveland with his mother, Mrs. Hattie Meyers Junkin, widow of two airmen and one of the two women members of the "Early Birds," an exclusive air organization, "Buck" took over the controls of the big Cessna from Parker Cramer, noted flier, while flying 2,800 feet above Lorain.

Speeding through the air at 110 miles an hour, "Buck" amazed both his mother and Cramer by handling the plane like a veteran. 

To test the youngster's knowledge of airplane handling, Cramer put him through several turns and banks, "Buck" handling them like a veteran pilot. The trip from Cleveland to Toledo was made in 45 minutes. 

It was "Buck's" first time at the controls of a plane in the air, the young airman having had considerable handling of a plane on the ground. 

The youngster was given a royal greeting at Cleveland by a number of mail fliers, in addition to Major Berry, commander of the Cleveland airport, who was a flying instructor with "Buck's" father in the army air corps.

Parker Cramer, whose air life has been crowded with thrills, was frank to admit that "Buck" gave him an added thrill by handling the plane without any suggestions from him. Cramer plans to continue the boy's flying instructions personally, so pleased is he with "Buck's" ability to grasp the art of handling a plane.




Tennessee Deputy Lets Prisoner Loose to Take a Bath.


Unless John W. Clark has succeeded in ridding himself of a handcuff it should not be difficult for Evert Speart, deputy sheriff of Sylana, Tenn., and the police to find him. When Speart saw him last on Saturday night Clark told him he was going to take a bath.

Believing that "cleanliness is next to godliness," Speart gladly gave permission to his prisoner to bathe. At the same time he did not intend to take any chances on letting him escape. Se[So] he removed the cuff off one hand and left both dangling from the other. All this happened in Clark's Indiana avenue domicile. 

Clark, however, made good use of the opportunity of avoiding being taken back to Tennessee, where he is said to be wanted for a dry law violation. After locking the door of the bath room he did not linger. A window was too great a temptation to resist. With the handcuffs, he disappeared through it, as Speart learned when he missed hearing the splashing noise that usually goes with a bath.

Speart, wearing a big hat, big boots, big gun and everything, still is looking for his man Monday.


Man Ends Life in Cell of Jail


Felix Day, 30, of Bellevue, O., died en route to County hospital early Monday after he slashed his throat with a safety razor blade in a cell in the Safety building. 

He was arrested Friday, released Saturday morning and arrested again for safe keeping at noon Saturday. Patrolman Charles Wawrzyniak found the man bleeding in his cell early Monday.


Fights for Recovery

Paris, May 27 (AP) - Prince de Sagan, 19-year-old son of the former Anna Gould, is making a strong fight for recovery inspired by the young girl for whose love he shot himself. 

[[third column]]



Ft. Miami Event Marked by Smashup of Two Autos.


S. H. Jarrett and Sam Ross, speedsters who competed in the 100-mile auto race at Fort Miami Sunday were injured when their cars went through the railings.

Jarrett received a broken arm when his car skidded on the curve near the grandstand, went through the rail and crashed into a telephone pole. He was able to climb from the wreckage and get into the ambulance unassisted.

Ross, in trying to avoid crashing into another machine, drove his automobile through the outside railing on "death's curve." His arm and leg were broken.

The accident happened on the same curve where a racing driver was killed in a triple smashup last year. Both injured men were taken to a hospital in Clegg's ambulance.


Early Lindbergh Wedding Forecast


Special to the Blade

Englewood, N.J., May 27 - An early wedding was forecast Monday of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and Miss Anne Morrow, following the return home of the bride-to-be's father, Dwight W. Morrow, United States ambassador to Mexico.

The arrival of Mrs. Morrow, who left a train from Mexico at Newark Sunday completes the list of relatives who are certain to be present regardless of how informal the wedding of the famous couple might be.


Chinese Relics Included in Loot


Treasures from old China were stolen by a burglar who entered the home of Loo Sing, 808 1/2 Jefferson avenue, through a rear window Sunday evening. The loot included two bracelets, a jade ring, four other Chinese rings, ear rings, four yards of embroidered silk, a leather case, clothing and $20 in gold.

F.H. McCullough, 1210 Ewing street, complained to police that someone reached through a window at his home Sunday night and took $3 from his trousers.

A burglar who entered the Auditorium Lunch, 616 Main street, took $10 from a cash drawer.


Last Minute News


Chicago, May 27 (AP) - Wheat Monday dropped to $1 a bushel. Corn and rye also hit new low-price records. Timely rains in Canada were the chief factor depressing the market.


Amoy, Fukien, China, May 27 (AP) - Dr. C.H. Holleman, Reformed Presbyterian church missionary at Lungyenchow, west of here, is being held captive by Communists.




Washington, May 27 (AP) - Charles P. Cisson, attorney general of Rhode Island, Monday was appointed assistant United States attorney general.




Rome, May 27 (AP) - King Victor Emmanuel III Monday signed and ratified the lateran treaties between the Italian government and the Holy See.




Akron, O., May 27 (AP) - Charles La Presto, 37, died Monday after being shot down on the street in front of his home by men in an automobile.

[[fourth column]]

[cut off]
In Washington, the navy is exulting over the smashing of all speed records for standard naval seaplanes by Lieut. W.C. Tomlinson. Lieutenant Tomlinson drove his Wasp-motored Curtiss fighter over a 100-mile course to win the 10th Curtiss marine trophy race at an average speed of 175.01 miles an hour.

It is significant to note that only one serious accident was reported of almost innumerable flying activities of the week-end.

At Summit, N.J., Pilot Richard Perry is dead and two passengers are injured as the result of the crash of a "sightseeing" plane.

French Set Record

Two French army pilots, reports reveal, Monday were in possession of the world's speed record for 5,000 kilometers. The two, Commandants Weiss and Girier, flew for 26 hours at an average speed of 111.78 miles an hour.

At Dessau, Germany, the altitude record went by the boards when a Junkers monoplane rose to a height of 41,010 feet.

Announcement was made in Russia that Aug. 9 a Russian plane will leave Moscow on a 12,500-mile flight to New York by way of Siberia and Alaska. 

In Washington, the army announced the appointment of 224 students to the army air corps field at San Antonio, Tex., and Riverside, Calif.




16 Patrolmen Assigned to Enforcement Duty in Downtown Zone.


Five motorcycle patrolmen and 11 patrolmen on foot were assigned to the new no parking district in the downtown section Monday. It was estimated that more than 300 cars were tagged for violating the new ordinance.

Motorists who were accustomed to park their automobiles and rush to their offices and stores were forced to move their cars from the no parking district.

Traffic moved fast through the no parking section. Motorists who had parked their automobiles while patrolmen were not around returned to find yellow tags.

The no parking district includes Summit street to Jackson street, to Huron street, to Adams street, to Erie street, to Jefferson avenue and thence back to Summit street. The no parking periods are from 7 until 9:30 A.M. and from 4:30 until 6 P.M.

Streets outside the no parking district were packed with automobiles.

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