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1. N.A.A. for FAI Dec. 3, 1931
    Recall of all Soaring licenses for listing
2. [[strikethrough?]] in order OBTAINED
                               Aug.2,-16, 1931
2. Listing "C" Soaring licenses/in proper order.
CBS: June 1, Adm. Asst for Walter Cronkite..U.P.I.
             Reporting the glider Invasion & WACO CG-15

April 15, 1966.. Walter Cronkite: response
moon flight.. to HMJ re: newspen crowded out little 7 yr. son's abilityto get near his Dad.

May 15, 1969 Re; report on Gen Eisenhower 
                 Eisenhower's*Pilot at
                 Mitchel Air Base L.IS. N.Y.
                 *Friend of HMJ.
May 30, 1973:: Death of father of Walter [[strikethrough]] Cronkite.

11 Jan.1980 Ken Stuart [[strikethrough]] (ret) Jan 1980 ART Editor (Reader's Digest)
Re: Norman rockwell book...HMJ. 2 page references in book, Chas. Mayers ART student League, N.Y. with oth.

Aug.31. 1981: United Prebyterian Church, pastor 
              Chas. L. Cureton III.

July 19, 1931 Editor Chas. Mathews
Elmira Star-Gazette