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Had to take care of aero plane - pilots
And to have mechanical aptitude 
Jimmy [[strikethrough]] Doolittle [[/strikethrough]] Taylor(test pilot for  
[[?]] Buddy to [[?]]
seen N.Y.C. taken he was N. He found
"just one body in going to teach Buck's son to fly.
Built Navy planes for WWII
Hattie's picture in all National papers
in 1930-31 (at age 32-33) (Buddy was age Twelve)
It took the war to develop [[strikethrough]] meteor [[/strikethrough]] Weather Bureau
Headlines said Dorothy [[strikethrough]] Halderman [[/strikethough]] 
(husband was Russ) first woman glider 
altho Hattie took off just before Dorothy
and talked her into making the flight.

Pathfinder showed both together
after they'd made correction

No [[?]] on gliders.
Germans came to teach gliding.
All gliders had only one wheel for maneuverability

Got law degree in 1935
In '63 Supreme Court [[?]]
they should add J.R.D.