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4th drawer - darker chest

1. Silk tie patch-work
Emily Ann Welliston
married to
Charles Meyers
(Hattie's grandmother)
done in the 1800's
2. Oriental silk from screen

3. "Mom" Weaver made 1918 for
premature son Buddy 5lb 9oz

4. Janet's little booties that same way 
heart condition brought to hospital
very cute, Love, Daddy -
5. Let there Be No Moaning at the bar
when I set out to see "
from Sam

6. Infinitude [[strikethrough]] 4e [[/strikethrough]] 1937
published in '38
copy rights had lapsed

The fragrance of a baby's breath
Seems a fleeting promise
Of another world;

The fragrance of a future
Breathed to you and me,
In life's calender.
7. [[strikethrough]] Prue [[/strikethrough]] Pure silk dress
both Buddy + Janet wore. June 25
8. Buddie's Baby Book
9. Love's Coming of life - Hattie's gift to Sam