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3rd drawer - big chest
Aerial view of Atlanta Buddy sent to Hattie was
"Vic" (Nat'l Aero. Mgr. Editor; now Air Force Managing Editor
Victor Powell, said Geo. Weaver, Sam Junkin & Hattie Weaver Junkin would be in Aviation Hall of Fame

Andy Stewart, Editor, Air Transportation

John Underwood, Heritage Press

and other editors

Waco stock & letters from famous magazine in early aviation 

Originals + copies.
1921 Air Show in Omaha
Major Gen'l Brooke Allen 
all friends from camp

[[strikethrough]] Beginning of [[/strikethrough]]
Hattie's Poetry Education

[[strikethrough]] Phil Donahue [[/strikethrough]]
Hattie's: Are you An Executive or A Boss & The Man Who is not There

Material for Hattie's mogusly which she hopes Edwin  Newman will write

File on Collier's
Writing on Soaring - Ref -