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It's spirital sp size, not physical size

Why Vic asks me what have I learned
Perspective acuity + each have been the two things that have saved me 
Mrs. Rosewell said you know the only time that lesser folk feel happy is when they know they have been noticed by an aristocrat 
James was like his mother
you must remember
"But Hattie, I'm Irish too."
"But you've modified it."

Buddie designed the wings for the C-5A at Lockheed that were [?] pilot w/ (adjutant general?) before the present ones 

Patterson, the atty? who went to Africa that were used [[?]] he planned to marry Hattie when he got back from WWII

When She's letters to Mamie come seet she got the book and found she had letters from each of the cities mentioned  

The last commanding genera; at Mitchel Field was Eddie Glenn (died about 3 or 4 years ago (he knew George Weaver)

Charles (brother) Weaver saw Vernon Castle spin in in WWI

Hattie wanted to be a fashion designer