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#6 continued

Dear Diary;
Buck phoned from Winburne last nite [[night]] and my voice is gone -- from the tonsils-- and Phil had to tell him I couldn't talk and why -- and now this morning my eyes are so swolled up that I can hardly see the DOZEN and A HALF American beauty rose buds that he sent me. "Aint"women fierce, defemmable"--

Fourth week

If that dear little husbing of mine doesn't get home soon I'll die. He ship is ready now but Buck is having a series of boilsand they are now closing his eyes so he has to wait and his letters are so pitifully brave they nearly burn me up; Bo-o-o-o-o! Well maybe you were never really in love.

BUd and I are visiting Grandma Weaver to-day. I am just about so sick with loneliness I can't snap myself out of it.
Gosh -- o- my Gosh -- here is a wire long delayed that Buck is due at Ashburn at dark. Oh-- and it is nearly dark now -- no supper ready - no pretty little lights to greet him in the house - no - us--
Buck just phoned that he is in -- the house-- oh how terrible -- I mean us not there -- well we are on our way and Buck flew the goldern ton of trouble home. Whee -- do you hear me he FLEW it out of that little field out of trouble -- he finished what he started -- how many people can finish as nicely as they start -- if they finish as nicely as they start -- if they finish at all / Oh, it is how we live out the forced landings not the straight flying that tells -- and Buck flew her home.

Hattie Meyers (Mouse Junkin)