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sane'kaka'xtci, it got wet (169 ^[[pananika'maixtci (K)]]
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^[[1772 1]]
1802 ^[[-1]]
santco', sand
san'cho, sand, sandy (H)
sa'ndjo-ha' tgadji, a sandy beach (white sand) (092)
sandju hatgafago'n, at a white sand beach (092)
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1803 ^[[-2]]
[[strikethrough]]sa'ntcuk bi'tik'o'[[/strikethrough]] sa'nto li'tixko', soil
^[[sintco litixko (H,K)]]
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cap'ha', flag
i'plo ins^[[c]]apha', mistletoe, "squirrel's flag"
sap'ha, a flag, flags, belonging to mistletoe (H)
shupha, flag (H)
shupha ishtaia, at shupha ishtaia, flagman (H)
shupha opilchi, shupha isht hachah, flagstaff (H)
shupha shachoiha, all kinds of flags (H)
shupha chuba, flag of the union (H)
ittibitilka chuba shupha, civil wa^[[r]] flag (H)
shuphashi, a small flag (H)
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sa'pia, a charm, a lucky stone or plant (in Creek) (0105)
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sha^[[']]poka, burden (H)^[[(+K)]]
sha^[[']]pole', to bear a burden (H)^[[(+K)]]
shapolichi, to cause to bear a burden (H)
shapolit aia, burdensomely (H)
shapoleche, to bear a burden on a horse (H)
shapolechimma, to cause to bear a burden (H)
shapokka baiba, heavy burden (H)
shapokka sokpashi, light burden (H)
unshapokkaia shukpasholo, my burden is light (H)
sapule'tcok, he put a load on (his mule) (171) ^[[(+K)]]
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sas'ka, strip off, to mass off, injury, to assault (H) ^[[(+K)]]
sas'ko, having strip off, to ruined, to injury (H)
sas'li, to assault, a stripping off something (H) ^[[+K]]
sas'lo, assaulted, having stripped off (H)
sas'ti, state having assault, stripping off before this time (H)
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1808 ^[[-1]] [[+K]]
sa'ta, terrapin
sat'ta, a turtle (H)
satapu'lu^[[i]]n, terrapin (094)
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