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shŭnka, absorb (H) ^[[îclō'ka (+) îcō'ka (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
sō'ptoha, he scalped [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]](138) ^[[(+K)]]
asop'ka, a place for dressed on, or skinned off, (anoint (H)
asop'li, one who dressing skin at; to dressed skin at (H)
asop'lo, having to dressed skin [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] on or upon, or at (H) 
sop'ka, skinning, skin off, bark off (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
sop'ko, having skin off, having bark off (H)
sop'li, skinning (H)
sop'lo, having being skin off (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pa shupatka, a bald hair (H)
sōptạnō'lok, he skinned it (163)
hoso'plisbạ'napīn, they wanted to skin it (037)
sō'plok, he skinned it
sō'pkok, skinned
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1889 ^[[-2]]
ashupilka, hair oil (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[2 sums sum + sawa]]
[[strikethrough]] sawa, (pl.) small things (H) [[/strikethrough]] 
suwe, [[strikethrough]] or sawa [[/strikethrough]] shuwi, thin (H) ^[[(+K)]]
akok su'we, he thin (H)
ho su'wê, they thin or poor (H)
[[strikethrough]] sowa, small (pl.) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] puskus sowa, small children (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] nas sowa, small things (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] hlahlo sowassih, a crowd of small fish (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] saw'wa, small, smallest (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] saw'wo, become saw'wo, state of small (H) [[/strikethrough]]
sow'wi, poor, lean (H)
[[strikethrough]] puskus sawa, small children (H) [[/strikethrough]]
shuwihchih, to make poor or thin (H)
shuwit anoka, to thin out (H)
shumoshin, thinly (H)
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^[[English word]]
sowhlka, southka, south (H)
easkan sowhlka intimaltala, southeast (H)
southkafan matobahchih, southerly (H)
southkas pinha, southern (H)
ma southkafa, southing (H)
southkafa ahofanti, southron (H)
southkafan matoba, southward (H)
southkan weskah itimaltala, southwest (H)
southkas pinha ehanni, southern country (H)
southka ehanni, South America (H)
southeasternkas pinha, southeastern (H)
southwesternkas pinha, southwestern (H)
^[[holī'ẋtca (K) (+A)]]
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[[start page]]
sōy'ya, a bad condition, has bad health (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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^[[English word]]
stimbō'ta, steamboat

Transcription Notes:
*added diacritics *added end/start page notations