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1773 -8

sạmi'`tcîlok, in what way, how (13) ^ [[(+K)]]
sạ'`tcōn o'min, it is that way (163)
sā`me'ya kạ'`nuyạ, a good way to go (02)
sa'meka'`min, that size (holding hands) (015)
sa`milola'stcitco, not enough for us to eat (015)
sa'`tcitcû'kok, you have nothing to do here (027)
samạ'tkạtoha, where it had been put down (054)
sā'mûtcûn, a few (0101)
sā'mostcon, a few (0101)
sā'mii'ûn, what happened (0114)
samimō'kûn, by and by (0116)
ica'`minûmē', his mother (why so?) (0119)
sạntce'tce'mon, how, that way (0131) ^ [[what (did) ^[[do]] you do]] (013) (+K)

[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] ^[[c]]a'ha, (n.) sea-shell, cowrie; [[strikethrough]] low edge of sternum [[/strikethrough]] (H) ^ [[(+K)

saha, low edge of sternum (H) îbîlkạtû (K)]]
insa'ha, cartilage just below end of sternum (H)
insa'ho, a cartilaginous bone below the sternum (H)

^[[cf hap [[?]] caxpa' (K)]]
sah' pa, wither, to dry as a plant  [H]
sah' po, having dry, dry out as a plant  (H)

sal' bi, to wither, to shrivel, to fade as a plant  (H)[[(+,K)]]
sal' bo, withered (H)

sa'iki', buzzard
shaiki, buzzard (H)  sai' ki,  (H)
shaiki tulko, carrion crow (H)

sak'ka, rascal (H)
sak'ko, rascal with ^[[sạñko? (A + K]] (H)

1780-1 [[1701]]
[[?]][[like a corner?]] [[(+P)?]]
sạqaba'[[superscript symbol]], arm
sạqba'[[superscript symbol]] poło'ñgā, elbow [[--- sak'b[?] întcû'ko sạkoba' (K)]]
sạqba'[[superscript symbol]] pa'nạ hotạha', upper arm  [[--- hō'taha (K)
[[above center]]
sak'ba, arm, arms (H)

[[outdented text]]sukba chuba, forethigh or arm (H) [[(+K)]]
coh'ka, something carried on shoulder or arm (H) ^[[(+K)]]
coh' ^[[a]]li, always have to carry (H)
co'ka, to acts of hauling by shoulder or arm (H)
co'ko, that which having hauling by shoulder or arm (H)
co'li, one who hauls or carries by shoulder or arm (H) ^[[+K]]
co'lo, that which does haul or carry by shoulder or arm (H)
co'ti, one who does haul or carry by shoulder or arm (H)

Transcription Notes:
last card/1781-2, indented words appear to have been typewritten beginning with 's' but are overwritten with what appears to be a 'c'.