Viewing page 35 of 101

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inchî^[['s]][[strikethrough]] hl [[/strikethrough]]itchi mŭnna, to hill up corn for the first time (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
tceⁿ tceⁿ, look here, look here (0113c) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1989 ^[[-1]]
^[[tcînē'lok, he took back (1)]]  ^[[tcîne'ko (K)]]
chini'ka, burden (H) ^[[(+K)]]
chini'ko, not burden (H)
chini'li, carry burden (H) ^[[(+K)]]
chini'lo, having for carry burden with (H)
chinika chuffa, chinilih, burden (H)
chinillihchi, burdensome (H)
chinit aia, burdensomely (H)
chinililih, chinit ishtaialih, I care for my burden (H)
attuk chinniko lu baiba fehnaia, a man can not bear a heavy burden (H)
tci'nelō'sit, with food on his back (171)
istcine'lok, carried on back (015) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1990 ^[[-2]]
tcîn'ē'lok, he carried (a basket)(34)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1991 ^[[-3]]
tcîne'lît, carrying them(23)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
chinifa yalli, quite small (H)
tcînī''fa', little ^[[îskû'nasî (K) (or) tcoke'bûsî (K)]] tcine'fạstcon, small limb (031
chinufassih, finespun (H)
cheniffusksi, small
cheniffa fihchuk ko, not very small (H)
cheniffa fehna, to be very small (H)
ishtin cheniffa fehna mah, small ones (H)
cheniffa yalli, quite small (H)
sakba cheniffa, small arms (H)
chini'fa, small, little (H)
chini'fo, in small (H)
chino'fa, become small, to shrink (H)
chino'fo, shrinked (H)
chiniffasih, small (H)
chiniffasosih, smallness (H)
isht inchiniffa, smaller (H)
sahmikat chiniffa, smallish (H)
chinifa fehna noh, to be very small (H)
ishtin chinifa fehna, small ones (H)
[[end page]]

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^[[English word]]
chinka, gin (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[strikethrough]] tcēⁿ'lit [[/strikethrough]] (or tcēⁿ^[[(or)]]'bit), ^[[tce'hebît]] crowds of (73) ^[[(+K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritics - done *needs end/start page notations - done *watch out for the handwritten "barred l", it looks a lot like a "t", the "barred l" is loopier