Viewing page 36 of 101

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chinō'ka, nippers, to nip (H) ^[[(+K)]]
chino'ko, not nips to (H)
chinō'li, nipping, nipper (H) ^[[kotcō'li (K)]]
chino'lo, nipped (H)
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tcî'nto, snake ^[[(+K)]]
tcî'nto tcuba', rattlesnake, "big snake" ^[[(+K)]]
tcî'nto pạlge', coachwhip snake, "fast snake"
chin'to, a snake, a serpent (H)
chinto hullo, adder (H) ^[[(+K)]]
chinto lutcha, black snake (H)
chinto okchakkosi, green snake (H)
chinto chuba, rattle snake (H)
chinto hoyupa, viper ^[[mad snake]] (H) ^[[noksē'pa (K)]]
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1997 ^[[-1]]
tcênû'k tạłaila^[[e]]', a mint, (the relatives of a dead person wash their faces with this after coming home from the funeral) ^[[îskā'ⁿfoto' (+K)]]
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1998 ^[[-2]]
tcî'nûk tîłai'le', a kind of bush of which a decoction was made in which people rubbed their hands and face to make them strong after a relative had died
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^[[(cf. hayo, within]]
tcî'pî^[[-]]hayo', stomach ^[[pȧtā'la hayo' (K)]]
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tcipo, aunt
n  tcintcî'po', your aunt (045) ^[[tcî'mapo' (K)]]
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tsipo'ta, boy ^[[(A)]] or man, young man, soldier^[[, a lot of boys poskoha asaiika (K)]]
to'ska tsipo'ta, soldier
(?)ingạ'sgạtcipō'tạkan, their soldiers(83)
chip'pi, less, decrease (H)
chippillus buski, small but long (H) ^[[îskûnȧt bȧs'kî (K)]]
tcipélastcûn, small pieces of tree (0101) ^[[îskûn'astco (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritics - done *needs end/start page notations - done