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2012 ^[[-1]]
tcuba', big
chuh'ba, grown, grown up, big enough, adult (H)
chuh'bo, grown, adult (H)
cho'ba, big, adult, grown person (H)
cho'bo, being adult (H)
chu-bah'-chih, grand, great (H)
chu-ba-bunat, greatness (H)
chu-ba fehchun tobachi, to make great (H)
[[strikethrough]]chubah[[/strikethrough]] chu-ba mullo, to be great (H)
chu-bah fehna ma, great ones (H)
lukkuka isht chuhbama, grandest time (H)
ati chuba ma, a great man (H)
appo chuhba, grandma (H)
fusshi chuhba, grandpa or grandfather (H)
as fusshi chuhba, great grandfather (H)
choba'chi, raising, to raise (H)
choba'fa, in base (H) (?)
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2013 ^[[-2]]
inchuhbama, father (H)
^[[întato tcō'ba = [[yd f?]] ]]
^[[întcō'ba  îmōsî }  uncle man  (K+A)]]
^[[father, ho, înta'tasi]]
choba'ma, huge, great one (H)
choba'ya that which is great (H)
inchubachi, base (H)
inchubachi imalia, bass-clef (H)
inchubachi talwa, basso (H)
puffilka inchubachi talwa, bassoonist (H)
puffilka inchubachi ollachih, bassoonist (H)
ollatilka in shuhkachi chubachi, bass-viol (H)
inchubachin untok tolwa, come and sing bass (H)
inchubachi pulkichi, loud bass (H)
inchubachi hubbakna, soft bass (H)
inchubachihchih, to sing bass (H)
inchubachi punna, good bass singer (H)
ilcho'ba, to become a manhood when come in childhood (H)
ilcho'bo, state of being growed manhood when came in childhood (H)
incho'ba, uncle, relating to uncle (H)
ischo'ba, a large, to large (H)
ischo'bo, with growing, growing to large (H)
hocho'ba, large both of them, large alike (H)
hocho'bo, state having being large of them (H)
inchubachi, bass (H)
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2014 ^[[-3]]
achoh'ba, become to be old (H)
achoh'bo, stating which is become old (H)
atcho'ba, become old, not new (H)
atcho'bo, stating having become old (H)
acho'ba, old, old one (H)
acho'bo, having being old, old one (H)
atco'ba, an old man ( also given as hotco'ba)
atco'baha, old men
aye'pi tcobạ'`tcok, pond was big (163)
tco'ba ma'łuk, the big ones followed (075)