Viewing page 42 of 101

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chuk'bi, a navel (H) ^[[întcuka'bî (K)]] 
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
2036 ^[[-1]]
tco'kfi', sheep  rabbit ^[[ [[rabbits?]] ]] ^[[îto hayo tcû'kfî, rabbit (K)  tcokfî ȧnû'pa', sheep (K)  tcokfî ȧnūpa' (K)]]
tcokfi kạ'łok, just [[strikethrough]]he alone[[/strikethrough]] rabbit alone (0104)
tcokfose', rabbit, "little sheep"
chuk'fi, a rabbit, sheep (H)
chukfi hishi, wool (H)
chukfushi hishi, lamb's wool (H) 
chukfi hishi ilukfa, woolen goods (H) 
chukfi hishi panka, woolen yarns (H)
chukfi hishi ishtahkachi, wool duster (H)
ilukfa wuksi chukfi hishi, wool flannel (H)
chukfi hishi hayu holikfa, woool underwear (H)
chukfi hishi impattaka, wool pad (H)
chukfi hishi luppalli, wool lining (H) 
chukfi ulpulba nipo, mutton (H)
chukfi ulpulba, sheep (H)
chukfi [[macron below "a"]]hitcha, shepherd (H)
chukfi nukchi, mutton chop (H)
chukfushi, chukfotchushi, lamb (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
2037 ^[[-2]]
chukfi hishi, sheel wool (H)
chukfafakchi, sheep skin (H)
chukfi [[macron below "i"]] hulihta, sheepfold (H)
ifa chukfi ahitcha, sheep dog (H)
chukfi ahitcha [[macron below "i"]] kutabi, sheephook (H)
chukfi ishtin kuskatchi, [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] sheepshears (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] nani, chukfi nani chuba, ram (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] ilupihchih, ram's horn (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] taiyi, ewe (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] hishi buttuka, fleece (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] hishi inkuslitchi, to shear sheep (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] [[macron below "i"]] kuslitchih, a sheep shearer (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] im pishi, sheep milk (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] huchi wuhukshi patha, broad-tailed sheep (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] hoba, wether (H) ^[[mutton (+K)]]
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] sona, lambkin (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] sua yahchih, lamblike (H)
" [[ditto for: chukfi]] sonaia, lambling (H)
chukfushi hishi hlahka toba, lamb-skin (H)
chukfi malhatli alpulba foshot, ground-game (H) ^[[the left hand of a wild rabbit  alpȧbî]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
2038 ^[[-1]]
^[[ [[strikethrough]](not found same)[[/strikethrough]] ]]
tcû'k-kî-lak-bîlā'  whip-poor-will ^[["hooting" (bird)]] 
^[[tcûkbîla"bîla (K)]]
^[[? Chuckwill's widow ]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
2039 ^[[-2]]
chokillakbila, whipporwill (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
2040 ^[[-1]]
chukkaka, guinea hen (H) ^[[kowai'kî tcû'ktcûkî (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*some handwriting missing - added *some diacritics missing - added *cleared a few [[?]]s * needs diacritics on 2036, for "shepherd" - marked already as [[macron below "a"]] as that combo does not exist as a standalone character