Viewing page 78 of 101

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atop'ka, to fill ^[[pour]]on (H) ^[[(+K)]]
topka, pour (H) ^[[+K)]]
attupka, to pour in (H)
patupka, to pour upon (H)
ittakalli fayan ittupupka, to pour them on the ground (H)
oyhan tupka, to pour out (H)
tupkahchih, poured (H)
attuhupkokoh, poured it in (H)
okin pa tupka, pour the water upon (H)
oki fan otupka, poured it in the water (H)
atupka annoliluh, I poured it out (H)
[[strikethrough]]akki[[/strikethrough]] atuppis kahiṉ?, can you pour it in? (H)
oltiffa im [[macron below "i"]]topatuka, fire-clay (H)
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[[underline]]tūsih^[[i]]moh,[[/underline]] ^[[([[live?]] words)]] kostinko, [[underline]]crazy[[/underline]] or mad (H)
ifa tusihmoh, a mad dog (H)
at tushimo im issah, a mad-house (H)
at tushimoh, man men (H)
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tosin^[[hî]]na, dried meat or bacon (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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tā's[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]i, hair (H)
tushki, hair (H)
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tosoyī, ^[[wa'iya hȧle' (K)]]
tosoyī'lit, he planted it (141) ^[[ [[strikethrough]](+|[[/strikethrough]] ]]
[[strikethrough]]toshalala, king fisher (H)[[/strikethrough]]
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tuspachih, right away (H)
tuspa, alert (H)    
[[underline]]tospa[[/underline]], isht tuspasit, quick (H) ^[[îlkȯyā'pȧt (K)]]
ishttuspassit, tuspahchih, quickly (H)
tuspassit omi, quickness (H)
tuspat ontih, [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] come quickly (H)
altuspa, tuspayalli, timely (H)
tosh'pa, prompt, immediately, quick, not delay (H)
tushpa, quick (H)
tushpahchih, to be quick (H)
tushpahchichih, to cause to be quick (H)
isht tushpa sit, quickly (H)
isht tushpa sika alhla, to go quickly (H)
tushpachih, quicken (H)
tushpat alhluko, go quick (H)
tuspat illa, quick come back (H)
tuspat tabatka, catching quick (H)
tuspahchih, pretty quick (H)
do'spayạn, quickly (0125)
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tō'cpîn, ^[[rotten]] punk(24) ^[[(+K)]]
tos'bi, to rot (H)
tos'pi, rotten wood (H)
tōⁿ'sbō'stca^[[o]]n, very rotten (081) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[to'sbî pȧ'kto, mushroom]]