Viewing page 79 of 101

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2290 ^[[-1]]
tutci'na, three ^[[(+K)]]
ạ^[[o]]ntutci'na, eight ^[[(+K)]]
po'lî^[[ʕ]]tutci'na, thrity [[edit mark for: thirty]] ^[[poltutcī'na (K)]]
po'lîtutci'na awatcạfa'ga, thirty one
attutchina, Wednesday (H) ^[[(+K)]]
himaka atutchina ma, today is Wednesday (H)
tutce'henạt, having three (brothers) (049)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2291 ^[[-2]] 
ạ'ntû^[[t]]tcī'na, eight
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ōkō'k toᵋ^[[hoy]]yawā'lît ^[[white]], the water was bright (28) ^[[ok|tawasba' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2293 ^[[-1]]
wạqᵋkatci', rattle used in a dance ^[[îswa'kkatcî (K)]]
wạkạtcotō'n wạ'klitcit, the rattlers rattled (81)
^[[kotci'ᵋ]] wạ³kạtcō'toha, they rattled gourd rattles (81)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2294 ^[[-2]]
^[[cf. 2054]]
wa'´katcon, rattles (10)
wa'k´le'tcemok, he rattled (rattles)(10)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2295 ^[[-1]] 
^[[wȧẋka, small crane (K) [[?]] white +c [[etc]] (+) oktcȧoko (K)]]
wạxka', crane  ^[[wȧẋka tcai'ha (K) (very big blue one)]]
wah'ka, a buff crane (H)
wuktuluh, crane (H) ^[[wȧłûla' big white crane but some grey (not found in this part of [[tca. wild?]] ]]
wa'`gā'n, crane (092)
wa'`gago'k, to the crane (092)
wa'`kạkạ'łok, the crane however (092)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2296 [[-2]]
wak ibbak chonnoli, stork or pelican (H) ^[[hai'lolo'lawîstȧ (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[perhaps bạkba]]
wa'hwa'´hwa, woodpecker (the largest)
^[[doesn't know (do.)]]
^[[hȧke'ba + tîxti' [[strikethrough]]a b[[/strikethrough]] ]]
[[top half of handwritten line of text]]