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wo^[[ȧ']]ttŭslichih, harnesser (H) ^[[(+ K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2367 ^[[-1]]
^[[ya, this; (H)]]
yā'liyạⁿ, this place (8)
ya'fon, this way (38)
yolo'³, here it is, here is the place, here they are. (39)
yonomila'ti na'sistibiliyok, I'll kill anything with this one (46) 
ya[[macron below "hạ"]]mō'sīk, this little is not enough for us
ya'liu, down here (88)
yok omite', this mad did so (144)
ya'mō'sin, not far (145)
yonontcē'mok, this kind (159)
yallikso, not here (H)
ya'fa, adj. yonder, behold (H)
yaä'fa, a way side, a way off (H)
yaf'fa, yonder (H)
yah'ko, to show waht [[what]] one has by saying see that! (H)
yah'mi, this way (H)
yah'chi, this favor, this way (H)
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2368 ^[[-2]]
yā'līn, this (world) (4) ^[[(+K)]]
ya'ha, this, these, this place  ^[[(+K)]]
ya'ko, adj. this one again (H)
ya'li, right here, here (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
ya'lo, resembling (H)
ya'ma, see done, see that that? (H)
ya'mi, (adj.) this is the way (as to show the work done) (H)
ya'mo, look here (H)
yō'ba, try this one (H) ^[[mayō'ba (K)]]
yo'ka, also (H)
yo'ko, also to (H)
[[strikethrough]]yoli[[/strikethrough]] yo'li, this one? (H)
yo'lo, here it is (H) ^[[(+K)]]
yo'so, short distance, near (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ya tahl[[strikethrough]]i[[/strikethrough]]e, this side (H) ^[[(+K)]]
illu yalli, this way (H)
ya, yuni, this one (H)
yak ehanni yalli, this country (H)
ya lukbaha, this year (H)
ya wihilka, this place (H)
yam ahchih, this kind (H)
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2369 ^[[-3]]
ya nihta, this day (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ya nihlaili, this morning (H)
ya opiyashi, this evening (H)
ya'pumtolli, this noon (H)
iāfā'son, moved away, at a little distance (34)
yah, yaha, this (H)
yah nihta, this day (H)
yah nilhaili, this morning (H)
yok ishnali? this is yours? (H)
yoffina, yah alhaia, this way (H)
yah intulihna, this work (H)
yah holisso ittulatta, this book (H)
yah mia, this kind (H)
yok yah mialholo, this one kind (H)
yah, yaha, yah mia, this one (H)
yah holisso patha, this paper (H)
yah ishtholisso, this pencil (H)
yaho, these (H) ^[[(+K)]]
" [[ditto for: yaho]] nihta, these days (H) ^[[(+K)]]
" [[ditto for: yaho]] nihta alhinaia, these days (H)
" [[ditto for: yaho]] nilhaili, these mornings (H)
" [[ditto for: yaho]] nilhaili alhina, these mornings (H)
" [[ditto for: yaho]] holisso itulatta, these book[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] (H)
" [[ditto for: yaho]] holisso itulattaha, these books (H)
" [[ditto for: yaho]] mia, these kinds (H)