Viewing page 44 of 101

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2047 ^[[-4]]
patcạgō'ga, chair ^[[+K]]
patcạgo'ga wî'naga' ^[[rocking chair [[strikethrough]](?)[[/strikethrough]] ]] 
^[[îstîle'kono'kȧtcî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2048 ^[[-5]]
oshotcokolē'djîn, having set him down on the ground (10^[[, 11)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2049 ^[[-6]]
tco'kolecan, (a white man) was living (6)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2050 ^[[-7]]
ōctîchodjokōlē'djōk, they set it up there (in the sky)(17)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2051 ^[[-8]]
ạba'`lîs îchodjō'kōlîtcîlā'hok,hobạ'nok they wanted to have it set up in the sky(16-17)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2052 ^[[-9]]
îstco'koledjî'ᵋtcō'tohon, having set it away covered up(15)
tcogoⁿ'tcongā'sạn, it was lying there (052)
ostcogolī'cạn, it stopped (054)
i'ltcogole', come and stop (054)
tcogo'leha', to stop here (did I tell you?) (054)
tcogō'ntoha', he sat down (0127)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
tcok'o', muscadine ^[[(+K)]]
chuk'ko, muscadine (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
chŭkŭskô'ma, play (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ittiba chukuskoma (H)
ishtchukuskoma, play-mate (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2055 ^[[-1]]
tcoksê', pumpkin
chuk'si, pumpkin (H)
chukshi lannah, pumpkin (H)
chukshi lannah chumpuli, a sweet pumpkin (H)
chukshi lannah wayah, a ripe pumpkin (H)
chukshi chukka, kashaw (H)
chukshi hilhikchi, pumpkin seed (H)
chukshi [[underline]]ishtun papattaka,[[/underline]] pumpkin pie (H) ^[[îstîmȧłka' (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritics - added *end/start page notations missing - added *some handwriting missing - added and edited handwriting formatting notation