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notorized copy in possession Mrs. C. G

HATTIE MEYERS BARNABY, being first duly sworn,on oath deposes and says that she is a citizen of the United States, a resident of the District of Columbia and of full age.
 Affiant further states that this affidavit is made for the purpose of stating the facts, as known to her, relative to the WEAVER AIRCRAFT COMPANY, its organization, history as an operating company and it dissolution, and also the origin of the name "WACO"s used to designate an aeroplane of the particular manufacture.
Affiant further states that she married George E. ("BUCK") WEAVER, a pilot of known ability and reputation in both military and commercial aviation, on the 12th day of February, A.D. 1918; that the said BUCK WEAVER was one of the thirty five Civilian Flying Instructors of the United States Army Air Service.
Affiant further states that in the year 1920 the WEAVER AIRCRAFT COMPANY was organized for the purpose of manufacturing and selling aeroplanes and that its organizers and members consisted of the said BUCK WEAVER, President, ELWOOD J. JUNKIN, and ex-inspector and designer of the aeroplanes for the Aeromarine Company, and CLAYTON J. BRUNKER, of mechanical ability, who had served in the infantry during the World War.
  Affiant further states that the first ship manufactured by the said WEAVER AIRCRAFT COMPANY was in the year 1920 and was named the "WACO COOTIE"; that the name W A C O was a combination of the first letters of the name Weaver Aircraft Company; that to affiants own knowledge the said name "WACO" was originated and used by the said BUCK WEAVER as a cable address for the said company and then and there adopted as the trade name for the products of the said company. 
  Affiant further states that the said BUCK WEAVER was then the only member of the said WEAVER AIRCRAFT COMPANY who was a pilot; that the said "WACO COOTIE" was tested and flown by him in the said year 1920; that due to a forced landing in