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was manufactured by the said ADVANCE AIRCRAFT COMPANY and proving successfull [[successful]] was the foundation of the large earnings of the "WACO 10";

Affiant further states that the trade name "W A C O" was registered in the United States Patent Office August 3, 1926 as Trade-Mark 216,240 by the said ADVANCE AIRCRAFT COMPANY then doing business in Troy, Ohio; that the statement and application for such registration was made by the said ELWOOD J. JUNKIN, its president; that the said statement and application for registration of the said trade mark " WACO" contained the following statement, inter alia, "THE TRADE-MARK HAS BEEN CONTINUOUSLY USED AND APPLIED TO SAID GOODS IN APPLICANTS BUSINESS SINCE JANUARY, 1920."

Affiant further states that she married the said ELWOOD J. JUNKIN June 21, 1925 and that he repeatedly told her that the name "WACO" was to be continued by the said ADVANCE AIRCRAFT COMPANY in memory of the said George E. "BUCK" WEAVER, whose ability and reputation had made the name of value in aviation. 

Affiant further states that the said ELWOOD J. JUNKIN was taken ill in March 1926 and from that date until his death, November 1, 1926, directed the affairs of the said ADVANCE AIRCRAFT COMPANY from his sick bed with the aid of the said CLAYTON J. BRUKNER; that the said ELWOOD J. JUNKIN did not wish his adopted son George Weaver to take the name of Junkin because of the ideals, aspirations and accomplishments of his father, the said BUCK WEAVER, in aviation. 

Affiant further states that she said Advance AIRCRAFT COMPANY, in which she was a stockholder and director, was reorganized and recapitalized in the year 1928 and that in May 1929 the name of said company was changed to WACO AIRCRAFT COMPANY, of which the said CLAYTON J. BRUKNER is now president, without her consent.

And further affiant saith not.
Hattie Meyers [[Barualy?]]