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Be it known, That, by the Court of Probate, of said County, Administration of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights, credits and Estate which were of Elwood J. Junkin late of Said County, deceased, who died in testate, has been granted unto Hattie Meyers Junkin [[?]] whose duty it shall be to have all the PERSONAL ESTATE APPRAISED as by law required and to return upon oath WITHIN THIRTY DAYS A TRUE INVENTORY THEREOF, including the moneys belonging to said decedent at the time of his death; TO ADMINISTER ACCORDING TO LAW [[?]] all of said Personal Estate, and also the proceeds of the Real Estate, which may be sold, and which shall at any time come into the possession of said administration or any person for her to render WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS, or at any other time when required by the Court or the law, upon oath, A TRUE ACCOUNT of this administration, and failing so to do for thirty days after notification by the Probate Judge of the expiration of the time, she may be forthwith removed by the Court and shall receive no allowance for services, unless the Court shall enter upon its journal that such delay was necessary and reasonable; and, doing all and singular the duties required by law, TO PAY ANY BALANCE remaining in her hands upon settlement, to such persons as the Court or law shall direct. 

WITNESS my hand and the Seal of said Court at Troy, Ohio, this 15 day of Nov 1926 
RAYMOND A. KERR, PROBATE JUDGE Probate Judge and ex-officio Clerk. By [[Harry Powell]] Deputy.