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July 1928
Information requested by Mrs. Junkin.
June 13, 1928.

1.  Inventory 1925 - $76,703.54
2.  Inventory 1926 - $96,063.85
3.  Assets & Liabilities.  The Balance Sheet as of March 31st 1928 which I showed you the day before yesterday is not as yet 'certified' as you specify, but [[?]] the Certified Public Accountants are now completing this work and same will be available shortly.  I just got this information from the bookkeeper.
4.  We intend to reorganize under Ohio laws and as soon as anything definate is determined the present stockholders will kept advised and duly notified.  This reorganization does not change the status of your interest but merely gives you your proportionate holding in a greater number of units or shares (perhaps several [[strikethrough]] hundred).  The present stockholders will be given a first privilege to buy the new stock and then any balance offered may go to the general public.  The firm of McMahon, Corwin, Landis & Markham of 800 Callahan Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. will handle the Ohio organization work --