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[[underlined]] January 31. Channel 13..7:30 p.m.
Lowell Thomas Remembers   1929 [[/underlined]]

In 1928, having the controlling interest in the WACO Aircraft Co/. Troy, OHIO, two young brokers following up the need for CJB to re-finance, reorganize and [[unerlined]] hire [[/underlined]] an Aircraft designer, these two young brokers came to the rat infested ^[[$]] 25.00 mo. little house my son age 7(Geo. C. Weaver) and [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] and big dog baby Janet Junkin. After much travail and indications from [[undelrined]] many things that there must be HUGE money at stake, [[/underlined]] the young men convinced of WACO history, said, "GET OUT OF HERE before you are a tragedy." --- With the Corp. ^[[A]] tty formerly of La Grange Ill. feeling a noblesse oblige to help he had voiced [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in La Grange now]] in Toledo, Ohio I made contact. He sent two different daughters to stay with me and since documents he wanted were evidently lifted from courthouse files when tried ^[[. He]] sent the proper man to get them. We moved to Toledo, Ohio. [[strikethough]] while [[/strikethrough]] ^[[We]] went to Dayton in ^[[office]] of attorney for CJB's office. [[strikethough]] as [[/strikethrough]] I was not in the best of health. Instead of settling for "my price" with all the ^[[new]] Corp. Presidents

I believe there were five, I felt CJB should be the only one with whom to settle. It was morally rite..[[underlined]] his [[/underlined]] atty was for me, obviously, I turned the newspaper CJB was "reading" upside down, and with a laugh said, "Here it reads better He laughed, we made real contact as friends
^[["Let's get this thing settled" Ohio]]