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territory in a day. Safety factors far in excess of those demanded of us make straight flying safer than any other form of transportation.

Industrial concerns with branches scatters over the country will find no quicker or safer means of delivering merchandise.

Salesmen who make long jumps could make no better investments in saving both time and money.

For pure pleasure there is no medium of travel that lends itself better than does the WACO airplane. It gets you where you want to go, no matter where that may be-and gets you there quickly and safely.

In the conduct of our own business, for instance, we have many problems which demand our presence in Detroit, Cincinnati, Chicago, Cleveland etc. The men making these trips are busy men, to whom an hour is valuable. They use our company plane and easily make a trip to Detroit (200) miles, transact their business and return in a forenoon, with less fatigue and strain than is possible otherwise. 

If you as an individual or the head of a concern are confronted with the loss of time in traveling or the dispatch of parts, we would advise that you investigate this modern method. The Waco is safe-its operation saves time and its initial cost is no more than a good motor car or truck.

Distributors and dealers conveniently located throughout the country will gladly go into detail with you regarding the possibility of WACO airplanes solving your transportation problem. They will willing demonstrate its value-show you the superior features of this modern commercial plane-the features that have made it the leader in the industry.

A complete list of WACO Distributors is given on page 16 of this booklet. Get in touch with the one nearest you today-he is equipped to handle every detail for you.

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[[image of an airplane]]
The Waco Ten with OX5 motor needs no introduction. For the past five years it has been the pioneer in the commercial field. Its sturdy construction, flying and manuvering ability combined with quick take-off and slow landing speed make it the ideal ship for al purpose use.

The dependability of the OX5 motor together with the very low price for complete ship makes it the very best buy in the field today. Ask any pilot who has flown a WACO.


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