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The Origin of the WACO AIRCRAFT CO., Troy, Ohio.

In 1992, in the spring, Buck consented to teach Clayton J. Brukner to fly. 

In the summer of 1922 the first three big WACO's were built and SOLD. (Note in illustrations, the square wing tips) The name, as yet unregistered, was put on these wing tips. 

In 1923, The Weaver Aircraft Co., was dissolved. (See photostat)
In 1924, Buck Weaver, died in August as the result of the internal injuries sustained in the Waco-Cootie crash and intestinal obstructions resulting from appendectomy July 1917. Left widow Hattie Meyers Weaver, age 26, son Geo. C. Weaver age 5 1/2 yr. 

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of teaching - streets as C.F.I. with belt & harness
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Soon after the dissolution of the Weaver Aircraft Co., the ADVANCE AIRCRAFT CO., was formed. The corporation was formed with the greatest amount of stock held by Alden Sampson, of Mass, formed under the laws of Massachusetts. The factory moved to Troy, Ohio in the backwash of someone who had tried to sell the village "gold bricks". Banking was therefor done in Dayton, Ohio. In June 1925, the stock was re-issued, with 55 

In 1924, Buck Weaver, died in August as the result of internal injuries sustained in the Waco-Cooties crash and intestinal obstructions from appeadistony July 1917 resulting. Left widow hattie Meyers Weaver, age 26, son Geo. C. Weaver age 5 1/2 yr.

Soon after the dissolution of the Weaver Aircraft Co., the ADVANCE AIRCRAFT CO., was formed. The corporation was formed with the greatest amount of stock held by Alden Sampson, of Mass, formed under the laws of Massachusetts. The factory moved to Troy, Ohio in the backwash of someone who had tried to sell the village "gold bricks". Banking was therefor done in Dayton, Ohio. In June, 1925, the stock was re-issued, with 55 shares each to Elwood J. Junkin, president, Clayton, J. Brukner, and the ten remaining shares to Alden Sampson.

In 1925 I married Elwood J. Junkin. In this year the genius of the business man and designer, "Sam", plus the ending of the Wold War financial vacuum, put WACO airplanes in particular and commercial aviaion in general on the map. Bankers were ready to accede that aviation might be a "business" rather than an "adventure". The WACO NINE made history. Under all manner of handicaps and little space, the company sold over five hundred Waco nines. 

In March, 1926, "Sam" went to bed with a heart attack. Janet Junkin
Sept. 11, 1926
was born/to myself, Hattie Meyers Junkin, seven weeks before "Sam" died.
Sam never got up from the month of March, jusisted name WACO be registered weeks before he died dying in October, 1926.

E.J. Junkin got the remiaining OX.5 motors from Horace Dodge, Gros Olle, Michigan on personal visits

In March, 1926, "Sam" went to bed with a heart attack. Janet Junkin
Sept. 11, 1926
was born/to myself, Hattie Heyers Junkin, seven weeks before "Sam" died.

except brought in wheel chair - human skeleton to see Hattie.

Sam never got up from the month of March, 

Insisted name [?] be registered weeks before he died.

dying in October, 1926