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Transcription: [00:26:42]
{SPEAKER name="Ruth Smith"}
—this crystal, this big crystal, which my granddaughter broke. And the second year, I got, give me a sec [[gets out of chair?]] [[unintelligible]] But my first one's my granddaughter's when she was little, she's—

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
What was it like in [[ Arlen ? ]], and how many was competing in the contest?

{SPEAKER name="Ruth Smith"}
It was, uh, about six countries. It was six countries was participating.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
How many persons?

{SPEAKER name="Ruth Smith"}

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Six, ok. One [[ ? ]] in each country. [[rustling]]

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Do they still have this contest?

{SPEAKER name="Ruth Smith"}
I-I really don't know, because I haven't been over there for about 3, about 3, 4 years. Because I usually go over there every-every October, but I didn't-I haven't been over there for a while.

Because the last time I was in Arlen, I told the Rotary Club people, I said I'm not going back because we had problems with the plane. When we got ready to leave that following Sunday morning, and they worked on that plane for four hours before and put us on that same plane and sent us back, so I told them, I said, this is the end of me. When I get back, don't bother me, I said, I'm giving up my championship.

Which, little did I know, after I gave it up, and the girl from, uh, Virginia won it, then the Rotary men gon' tell me that I could have retired from my championship undefeated.