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WILLIAM HEALEY DALL. On a new species of Tylodina. 
The Nautilus, III, No. 11, March, 1890, pp. 121, 122

Shows that a mollusk obtained by the U.S. Fish Commission on the northern border of the Gulf of Mexico, off Florida, and a shell doubtfully referred to Tylodina or Umbraculum in the report on the Gastropoda of the Blake expedition are identical and from a species of Tylodina new to science for which the name T. americana is proposed. 

WILLIAM HEALEY DALL. Scientific Results of Explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross, No. VII. Preliminary Report on the Collection of Mollusca and Brachiopoda obtained in 1887-1888.

Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XII, No. 773, Mar. 7, 1890, pp. 219-362, Pl. V-XIV.

This Report comprises a discussion of the conditions of life in the deep sea, with especial reference to their bearing on Molluscan life; a discussion of the mechanics concerned