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together with Bering's original report now first translated from the Russian language, and a fac-simile of his first published chart.

WILLIAM HEALEY DALL. Types fossiles de l'Eocene du bassin de Paris, recemment decouvertes en Amerique.

Bull. de la Soc. Zool. de France, XV, June 1890, pp. 97, 98.

Extract from a letter to Dr. Paul Fischer communicated to the Society by the latter, announcing the discovery in the lowest Eocene of Alabama and Mississippi, conformably overlying the upper Cretaceous, of gigantic species of Cerithium like those of the Paris basin.  Also in the lower Eocene of Texas of a species of Terebellum which, as well as the Cerithium, is a type hitherto unknown to the American Tertiary.

Transcription Notes:
page starts with "gether". could link with page 36 which ends with "to-"