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Carlisle, Harold.  Durango, Colo.
Nov. 2, 1889.  593. for ex. & ref.  Specimens of Gryphæa Pitcheri.  Upper Cretaceous fossil, from Great Sage Plain, West of Great Bend of Dolores River, Colorado.

Carpenter, Philip H.  Biol. Lab. Stow College, Windsor, England.
Feb. 26, 1890.  22910.  34 slides sections of shells from mollusks and brachiopods, prepared by the late Dr. W. B. Carpenter, duplicates of set in British Museum as far as they go.

Cheney, S. F. Grand Manan, N.B.
Oct. 4, 1889.  22408.  Nudibranchs in alcohol from Grand Manan.

Cockerell, Theo. D. A. Colorado Biological Association, West Cliff, Custer Co., Colorado.
Nov. 29, 1889.  22603.  Pupa concinnula, Cockerell. n.s. 3 specimens from Alt. 10,000 feet near Brush Creek Custer Co., Col. Physa cupreonitens Cockerell. sp. juvenis. i. Wellsville,