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Feb. 27, 1890.  22915.  Gnathodon cuneatus 14 living specimens from Lake Ponchartrain, La.

Kohn, Gustave. 14 Caroudelet St. New Orleans, La.
Mar. 11, 1890.  22960.  Gnathodon cuneatus 17 specimens Purpura floridana 13 specimens from Barataria Bay, La.

Lartigin, G. B., M.D., Blackville, Barnwell Co., South Carolina.
Jan. 23, 1890.  22805.  Fossil shells (Tertiary) from Turkey Creek 120 m. W. of Charleston, S.C.

Litel, Jas. E. Albany, Wisconsin.
Oct. 15, 1889.  22451.  Pearlbearing river mussels from Albany, Wisconsin, and vicinity.

Loomis, H.  Yokokama, Japan.
Mar. 7, 1890.  22945.  Shells from Japan.