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Greegor, Isaiah Jacksonville, Fla.
June 8-9, 1891, 24446. Suit of Friton femorale, [[strikethrough]] (purchased $6.00) [[/strikethrough]] from Bahamas. 2 sp. Sigaretus, [[strikethrough]] gift [[/strikethrough]] from Florida.

Hallock, Charles.
Aug. 18, 1890, 23465.Limax maximus, 2 specimens from N.Y.

Heathcote, W. Henry. 54 Frenchwood St. Preston, Lancashire, Eng. (thr. W.I. Farrer, Orange Va.) 
May 19, 1891, 24355. 56 species of land and freshwater shells from Gt. Britain 

Hemphill, Henry. San Diego, Cal.
Oct. 25, 1890. 23690, Tertiary fossils, 6 sp. marine shells from L. Whatcom, State of Washington and San Diego Cal.

Hemphill, Henry. San Diego, Cal.
Nov. 21, 1890. 23777. Ostraea Veatchii Gabb, Miocene, from San Diego, Cal.