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Oct. 20, 1890. 23663. Fossil shells from wells 25 feet deep near Long Beach, Cal. 

Shepard, Miss Ida M. Long Beach, Cal. 
Feb. 5, 1891. 23997. 2 specimens of Scalaria bellastriata Cpr. from Long Beach, Cal. 

Shepard, James. New Britain, Conn.
Nov. 11, 1890. 23747. Silicified fossils from Tampa, Fla. - 5 species shells, Florida.

Shimek, Prof. B. Iowa City, Iowa
Dec. 26, 1890. 23870. Specimens of Pupa alticola Ing. from Loess of Iowa.

Smith, H.M. U.S. Fish Com.
Jan 18,1891. Specimens of Pecten Magellanicus from Coast of Maine.

Spencer, Dr. J. W. Atlanta, Ga.
Aug. 11, 1890. 23443. Miocene fossils with phosphate of lime - from Thomas Co., Ga.