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two birds with one stone. She spent some time describing Myra's little home in De Luth, Minn., on Lake Superior. She can just see it, on a little spit of land with the bay on one side and the lake body on the other. Who is Myra? Her name is so well known.

I don't know where Mr. Preble's snapshots are. All I took were two negatives to be duplicated for you and Miss Wallace, and I'm sure they were returned. I suppose you could get one made from hers.

It seems so strange to hear of frosts and furnaces. Our Indian Summer is bien étendu and I am at the bottom of interval clothes.

The clothes are all hung out now (8:30) and the sun has come out beautifully.

Yesterday morning after Biology I took Joyce Black over to Agissez. This time Miss Dykeman was in. She said she had started a Guest Book, and we were the second ones to be taken on a tour. She had already selected the objects, I imagine: we looked [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] from the prehistoric fish to the baby hippo and the Australian man. [[strikethrough]] She [[/strikethrough]] Joyce asked her about the job; Miss Dykeman said she would have to see what was in the treasury; if possible, Joyce could work several afternoons a week with her, writing labels and getting a little