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I don't run my radio at all. No time. There is a Radcliffe program broadcast from and by girls that is very interesting--they present rare classical pieces and discussions; a few days ago Mary Swingle made a speech ; she is specializing in political science. I do shut my door and study. We are not arranged alphabetically in any classes. We just sit where we please, a different place everytime.

Grandma came in suddenly when I was studying Sunday to say,"Isn't it funny how the old cat ever found out how to ccome in by the screen.'" I guess she misses him.

Mrs. Barry somehow got the bicycle moved into the hall. Grandma said they almost broke their necks on it in the passageway.

Poor Dad. Are you going to the doctor or let the sand work its way out by itself? It must be approaching the surface or [[strike]] itpwoln [[/strike]] it wouldn't hurt so.

I haven't written my diary for almost a week. But I caught up on the last few days I remembered yesterday. I have no schedule to fit all my homework yet, and try to go to bed as early as possible, discarding all else--yes, even writing home.

Mrs. Barry's cousin was so sweet to her--he gave her the coat she has been hunting all over Boston for, and the shoes beside she has bought . The people who brought her home from Vermont stopped in for an instant Sunday afternoon, and was she pleased. "When I make friends, I always keep them", she said.

The movie Joyce [[Bloch?]] and I saw Saturday was "Monsieur Beaucaire" with Bob Hope. Very amusing. There was also a gangster picture, "The Last Mile" that seemed to be a n attempt to prove the superiority of the Irish race: the hero cop was Irish, and the other crimminals and peop le he outsmarted were English,(a fellow by the name of Blake), Jewish, and Italian.

Won't go to any more, you bet. Not after that History test.

Well, it is getting near bedtime and everybody in the hall is trying to compose their compositions for tomorrow, so I must stop for now. The picture of home hasn't fallen down yet, although Western did twice.

