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OFFICIAL ORGAN of the NEW NEGRO ALLIANCE New Negro Opinion Featuring Clean Inspiring News For the Good of the Race 2nd Year. No. 5. WASHINGTON D.C., WEEK OF FEBRUARY 3, 1934 Price 2 Pennies ALLIANCE DRIVE GAINS SPEED Starts With Great Ovation The Twelfth Street Branch of the Y.M.C.A. was the scene Friday night, at 7:30, of the opening of the initial campaign of the Alliance for funds and members with which to prosecute the buy-where-you-can-work program that has already proved itself as a means of immediate solution to the local problem of unemployment among Negroes. The meeting opened with remarks by the Acting Administrator, A. L. DeMond, who was introduced by the chairman of the Membership Drive, Attorney Belford V. Lawson, Jr. Mr. DeMond congratulated the group on the splendid start which the corps of workers was making and proceeded to place the responsibility of the drive in the hands of the workers. It was pointed out to the group that the Alliance is after all an investment from which all contributors will derive either a direct or an indirect income in the future. The problems which confront the Negro were illustrated by the high school graduates who are coming out without any opportunity to apply the training which they have received or will receive upon the completion of their college education. The burden of assuring these youths of opportunities rests upon the ability of the Negroes to create for them opportunities for earning a livelihood. He also pointed out the fact that the society in which we live is undergoing a fundamental change which will necessitate intense alertness on the part of the Negro so that he will be assured of even the small place which Negroes have formerly held in the social structure of this country. Following detailed instructions to the workers, Mr. DeMond concluded by assuring everyone of the complete support of every individual in the organization. Further instructions were given by the chairman before introducing Professor Jesse W. Lewis, of the Howard University School of Commerce, who in turn introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. W. H. C. Brown, conservator and former president of the Industrial Savings Bank. Mr. Brown stated that the "oldsters," meaning the older generations, had elected to attack the race problem from the line of least resistance and had not obtained the results to the satisfaction of the younger generations. He praised the Alliance for the effective manner with which they had captured the imaginations of the people of the city and the country (Continued on page 3) Bishop Jones Scores In Speech [[image]] Addressing an audience which filled the assembly room, last Saturday, Bishop E. D. W. Jones, of the A. M. E. Church, proclaimed trained Negro youths as the real leaders of the present-day social order. The occasion for the distinguished churchman's speech was the regular Saturday evening public meeting of the New Negro Alliance. With his characteristic vigor, Bishop Jones opened his address by saying, "I did not come here to resign from the New Negro Alliance; nor did I come here to tell you young folks that everything you do must be on the 'safe' side. This is my organization; this is our organization. I came here to say that everything which we have done is right. I want to congratulate this organization for what it has done. Keep it up." Bishop Jones briefly recalled the failure of Negro leadership in this city throughout a period of over forty years. he hurled a verbal explosion into the existing ranks of "leaders" who have sold out, or who have allowed their ideas and ideals to be subsidized. The churchman further said that every colored church should be back of the youth movement of the New Negro Alliance, as these churches get their support from Negro congregations and the economic success of each and every member of this congregation reflects itself in the amount of financial support the colored church- [Continued on page 4] AS WE GO TO PRESS ... FLASH! .... Said Dr. Clark Foreman, Advisor on the Economic Status of the Negro, in Tuesday's address to Cardozo graduates: "Prepared graduates have a right to feel that there are places open to them for the use of their ability and training" ... what are you actually doing to make these openings? Join the Alliance. FLASH AGAIN!....Over two hundred new members taken into the Alliance's economic machine during the first three days of the Membership Campaign.....Pledges to carry on the work of the machine total over $1,000.20....Cash, $111.00....are you and your dollars on the outside?...We want over 10,000 members at once....And, "By Gosh," if we haven't you and yours, look out! F-L-A-S-H!....Industrial Savings Bank affairs move on with progress.....Depositors of this bank are urged to be present at a meeting of depositors to be held Tuesday, February 6th, 8:00 p.m., in the Garnet-Patterson Auditorium....Plans for the opening of the bank will be explained. Great! F-L-A-S-H! F-L-A-S-H!....Etta Moten invited by Mrs. Roosevelt to sing at the White House tonite! (Wednesday)....Alleged first Negro soloist so honored! "Atta goil" ....Full speed ahead! What Others Say About Us "I should like to know what the attitude would be toward the possibility of either "branches" of the Alliance or just support by various organizations in Boston." Margaret Just, Boston, Mass. "The Afro-American this week printed an encouraging article on the activities of the New Negro Alliance and its efforts to secure employment of Negroes in Neighborhoods composed chiefly of our groups by white stores. In view of this interesting experiment and its definite results in other cities having large Negro population, I shall watch your efforts there with deep concern. I am, therefore, requesting you to send me information on the purposes, activities and results of your Alliance." Harry H. Jones, Wheeling, W. Va. Opinionettes By Wilmer Dudley Said Albert DeMond, new acting administrator of the New Negro Alliance, in a recent issue of The New Negro Opinion "When the older generation mokes place for youth, it is paying its obligation to youth. When youth prpares itself to fill these places, it is returning the debt it owes to age. Everyone benefits." On this terse statement is patterned all of the hopes of the Alliance. On this hinges all of what the Negro will ever become in his struggle for economic justice. Poor old wash-women, singing and praying for a "better day presently" through the splash of suds; enterprising business men, who struggle to make things go; idle, talented, unemployed high school or college graduates; hopeful and capable doctors, dentists, or lawyers, who work on without fully paid fees, but hope for an economic upturn; dollar after dollar of man-power that idles in the parks or thumbs books in the city libraries hopelessly... for these and countless others the New Negro Alliance is girding itself to bring a fulfillment of hopes with an organization which will not stop at unexpected obstacles set in the path which leads to its purpose. (Continued on page 4) Alliance Gets Amazing Returns Once the Negro begins to direct his efforts towards self-assertion, rather than succumbing to things as they are, the rewards and opportunities which will be opened to him will be very great indeed. The more you rob and cheat a man, the more he has to gain when he turns the tables and comes into his own. The Negro has been robbed of his birthright to such an extent that today he has everything to gain, and nothing to lose. "Figures Don't Lie" A study of the records of the New Negro Alliance will bear out the point that we have within our reach a veritable gold min. Study these figures. Expenditures For the office, stenographer, postage, etc. $225.00 For printing, advertising signs, pickets, etc. 175.00 Total expenditures $400.00 Returns A & P, 18 clerks, per year $13,104 Hamburger Grill, 4 clerks, per yr. 3,744 Sanitary, 4 clerks, per year 2,912 Others, 9 clerks, per year 5,594 Total Returns $25,354 (Continued on page 3) BY STANDING UP FOR OUR RIGHTS WE CAN GET HUNDREDS OF JOBS FOR NEGROES Everybody Will Gain...Everyone Should Help...You Must Help JOIN THE NEW NEGRO ALLIANCE Major Membership Drive January 26 - February 5 Leave your contribution at 1232 You Street or Phone Decatur 2371