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NEW NEGRO OPINION [[box]] BUY FROM YOUR DRUGGIST He Is Your Friend ARE YOU HIS ? Careful, Trained, Personal Service at Reasonable Prices Prescriptions Called for and Delivered [[/box]] [[column 1]] Druggists Directory Bacchus Ninth and P St., N.W. No. 2440 Board's Drug Store 1912 1-2 14th St., N.W. No. 3178 Butcher's Pharmacy 5th and Fla. Ave., N.W. No. 3178 Carey's Pharmacy 1720 14th St., N.W. No. 8954 Coger's Pharmacy 4th and Elm St., N.W. No. 7365 Ethical Prescription Pharmacy 518 Fla. Ave., N.W. No. 6881 Garfield Park Drug Store 241 Va. Ave., S.E., Lin. 8007 Hailstork's Pharmacy Cor. 2 and H Sts., S.W. Met. 6177 Hunton's Pharmacy 900 U St., N.W. No. 1067 Jackson's Pharmacy 301 H St., N.W. Met. 9348 Jonhson's Pharmacy 600 3rd St., S.W. Met. 6449 Jones' Drug Store 4800 Deane Ave., N.E. Lin. 8901 Pinkett's Drug Store N.J. Ave. at N St., N.W. No. 2345 Simmons' Pharmacy Cor. 21st & L Sts., N.W. West 1453 The Thomas Pharmacy 1200 Nichols Ave., S.E. Lin. 4015 William's Drug Store 1st and Va. Ave., S.W. Met. 9214 It is an undeniable responsibility of every person in this city to aid the ALLIANCE in its militant fight to cleave a way for more and better work for Negroes. Our Advertisers Support Us WE MUST SUPPORT THEM [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] ALLIANCE GETS AMAZING RETURNS (Continued from page 1) There figures bear out the fact that the Negro has much to gain if he will only assert himself. "Figures don't lie." PAYING 50 TO 1 Think of it! $25,000 a year in return for an expenditure of $40,000! Where else could the race make an investment which would pay such large dividends? MUCH MORE TO BE ACCOMPLISHED The surface has just been scratched. The Alliance has shown what can be done with a "pot" of $400.00; with a much larger working fund the results should be much more convincing. Every Negro in Washington should do his utmost to swell the funds with which the Alliance carried on its work. Here is an investment which pays, and pays, and pays. The membership drive extends until February 5th. You can't invest a dollar more wisely than by taking out a membership in the New Negro Alliance. [[line]] Bailey's Home Bakery 206 10th Street, N.W. No. 1044 Walter E. Perkins CONTRACTORS 1722 15th Street, N.W. No.0358 Luwin Rug Cleaning Co. 1725 7th Street, N.W. No. 9160 Mullen's TRANSFER & STORAGE 2010 9th Street, N.W. No. 5360 AUTO MECHANICS C. A. WORTHY 1210 V Street, N.W. Rear [[line]] GAS--- OIL--- GREASING TIRES Philip A. Tolson "The Station of Personal Service" FIFTH AND R STREETS, N.W. North 9674 [[line]] BUY YOUR GASFROM BELTRAN BARKER "An Esso Station at 11th and V Sts., N.W." [[/column 2]] [[column 3]] Headlines Tell Our Story "CLUB PUSHES MOVE TO GET NEGROES JOBS" Washington Post. "MU-SO-LIT CLUB BACKS NEGRO ALLIANCE" Norfolk Journal and Guide. "PICKETING CLOSES EATING HOUSE" Washington Tribune. "BOYCOTT FORCED HAMBURGER GRILL TO REHIRE THREE" Washington Tribune. "CLERKS JOBS ARE DEMANDED BY MILITANT GROUP" Washington Tribune. "PEACEFUL PICKETING BREAKING DOWN JOB DISCRIMINATION" Afro-American. "ALLIANCE SEEKING MORE JOBS" Pittsburgh Courier. "WASHINGTON TO BOYCOTT STORES REFUSING TO HIRE RACE WORKERS" Chicago Defender "TWO PICKETS ARRESTED IN D.C." Pittsburgh Courier. "A & P YIELDS; TO HIRE NEGROES" Extra edition Washington Tribune. "ALLIANCE PRODS HESITANT STORES IN JOB CAMPAIGN" Afro-American. "LUNCHEONETTE REVISES WAGE SCALE" Afro-American. "PORTED PROMOTED TO STORE CLERK" Afro-American "ALLIANCE PICKETS FREED OF CHARGES" Pittsburgh Courier. "ALLIANCE WINS 13 MORE JOBS IN HALF DAY PICKETING" Pittsburgh Courier. "GIRLS EMPLOYED IN IN 5 AND 10 CENT STORE" Washington Tribune. "LOCAL ICE CREAM COMPANY PICKETED" "ALLIANCE PICKETING ENTERS SECOND WEEK" Pittsburgh Courier. "ALLIANCE PICKETS DEPARTMENT STORE" "PICKETS HALTED" Pittsburgh Courier. "ALLIANCE SCORES AGAIN IN CAPITAL CRUSADE FOR JOBS" "ALLIANCE LOSES INJUNCTION WAR; FILES APPEAL" Pittsburgh Courier. [[/column 3]] [[box]] Those Who Really Care Prefer The McGuire Funeral Home "The Home Of Reasonable Prices" 1820-22-24 ninth Street, Northwest North 1762 North 1763 [[/box]] [[column 4]] Salutamus "O gentlemen, the tome of life is short." - Henry IV. The bitterness of days like these we know; Much, much we know, yet cannot understand, What was our crime that such a searing brand Not of our choosing, keeps us hated so. Despair and disappointment only grow. Whatever seeds are planted from our hand, What though some roads wind through a gladsome land? And yet we know relief will come someday For these seared breasts; and lads as brave again Will plant and find a fairer crop than ours. It must be due our hearts, our minds, our powers; These are the beacons to blaze out the way. We must plunge onward; onward,gentlemen. STERLING A. BROWN. From his Southern Road (Harcourt, Brace and Company, N.Y., publishers.) DON'T MISS CAMPAIGN SPEAKERS The public is urged to attend the nightly meetings during the campaign for new members in the New Negro Alliance. The chairman of the Membership Drive has been successful in obtaining a battery of impressive speakers drawn from the leading religious, civic, legal, financial, and literary organizations of the city. Appearing at the Y.M.C.A. every evening at 7 o'clock until Saturday, February 3rd, the pep-sessions of the drive will be stimulated by the following persons: Wednesday, January 31, Dr. Charles H. Houston, dean of the Howard University Law School, and the celebrated Crawford defense attorney. Thursday, February 1, Dr. T. A. Williston. [[line]] Lady Attendant Reasonable Prices THOMAS FRAZIER COMPANY Graduate Funeral Directors 389 RHODE ISLAND AVE. Branch Office: 723 T St. N.W. Phone North 9847 North 1213 North 7796 [[/column 4]] [[column 5]] "WASHINGTON A GRAVEYARD" In a timely and arousing addressed, delivered before the crowded public meeting of the New Negro Alliance, held in the assembly room of the Y.M.C.A., last Saturday, Dean William West, of Howard University, warned against the wrong type of employee filling jobs in the Alliance's buy-where-you-can-work drive. The Howard University dean of men charged that "Washington is a grave yard of degrees." This challenge is regarded as a direct slap to the many "leaders" in this city who subscribe to "smug complacency." From his wealth of personal experiences, Dean West told of the many problems which the Alliance would encounter in it's "economic war." The speaker's address was greeted by the audience with marked enthusiasm. Following Dean West's speech, Bishop E. D. W. Jones, of the A. M. E. Church, was introduced by William H. Hastie, who presided. Starts with Great Ovation (Continued from page 1) try. He advocated a healthy race consciousness that the Alliance was effectively creating and admitted that throughout the country our standards are pitched to a point which cannot be maintained without some form of readjustment. The problem which follows is that some change must be made in either the standards or in the source of income. Skillfully drawing his analogies from the monetary field with which he is so very familiar, Mr. Brown stated that the country is in a receptive mood for drastic changes. The influence of the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment was cited as an illustration of the change in the though of the Nation. Likewise, the great changes in the monetary system of the country were pointed out as illustrative of the willingness on the part of the people to realize the necessity for changes for the benefit of the masses. Mr. Brown, in concluding, said that in all his receptiveness of the program of the Alliance there was only one thing that he hoped the group would not forget, namely religion and loyalty to the country. [[line]] IDEAL SEA FOOD CAFE The Home of Good Fried Fish, Oysters, and Sea Food in Season 711 T Street, N.W. No. 6978 [[/column 5]] [[box]] Progressive Pastry Shop 1943 Twelfth Street, N. W. With every 10c purchase this coupon entitles the buyer to one of our BIG 5c VALUES! [[/box]]