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THE INTERNATIONAL NEGRO WORKERS' REVIEW ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION COMMITTEE OF NEGRO WORKERS, 8 ROTHESOODSTR., HAMBURG, GERMANY Vol. 1 January 1931 No. 1 OUR AIMS 1. This journal is the official organ on the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers. But it is our aim not to make this a sort of "theoretical" journal to discuss resolutions, "opinions" etc., (this by the way can be noted as the outstanding fault of this issue). It is our aim to discuss and analyze the day to day problems of the Negro toilers and connect these up with the international struggles and problems of the workers. It is therefore necessary that we receive the fullest cooperation of Negro workers. This means that articles, letters, points of view and pictures of your daily life must be sent in to us. It is only in this way that we can build a much needed popular journal, taking up the broad international problems of Negro workers. It is necessary that we receive news promptly — the moment anything happens it must be sent to us — because the oppressors and exploiters do everything in their power to suppress every bit of news that tends to raise class consciousness and the class initiative of Negro workers. 2. As the official organ of the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers, it is our aim to carry out the principles and policies laid down at the First International Conference held at Hamburg, Germany last July, and further elaborated at a subsequent meeting of the newly elected Executive. These can be enumerated as follows: a) to help build up strong contacts with the trade union and working class organizations of Negro workers, to strengthen these contacts and to support the establishment of revolutionary trade union organizations of industrial and agricultural workers; b) to help stimulate the class consciousness of Negro workers by helping in International education on trade union and labour questions; c) to raise the international outlook of the Negro workers by on the one hand bringing to them information of the struggles and problems of the international revolutionary labour movement--of the colonial movement, of the movement in the capitalist countries and of the successful building of socialism in the Soviet Union; and other the other hand by enlightening them against the reactionary principles of Negro bourgeois nationalism such as Garveyism, and trade union reformism like that of Kadalie of South Africa and Randolph of the USA, as well as that of the Amsterdam International and the International Labour Office; d) to expose the preparations for a new imperialist war especially designed against the Soviet Union. 3