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are more openly and closely joining together against the Natives under the policy of complete unity of all bourgeois forces in South Africa and at London against the Natives. This policy was outlined and dictated at the recent imperial Conference at London where British imperialism strengthened her control over the "Dominion". When Natives fight against their slave and serf conditions, they are met by the policy and soldiers of the bourgeois State with clubs and guns, — like what happened at the Johannesburg Demonstration against unemployment, like what happened at the Durban boycott Demonstration; like what happened on Dingaan Day Demonstration. The Imperialist with their bourgeois State mean to keep up the poverty and backwardness of the natives, to obstruct their advancement in every way and to continue their policy of mass extermination of natives people. British imperialist supremacy is the basis of the endless suffering of the native masses. They have on their side not only the white reformist trade unions but the black reformist leaders like Kadalie and the intellectual and petty bourgeois leaders of the African National Congress. Only by struggling against British imperialist supremacy and white bourgeois rule can the natives gain their independence and establish self-determination for the native people; the trade union organizations must stand in the fore front of this struggle.*

It is our aim here to outline the tasks and role of the Native proletariat in the struggle in South Africa. But in order to have a clear view we must give a brief picture of the South African background. 

Coming of the imperialists to South Africa 

Who are these robbers who have come to your country? How came British imperialist domination and white bourgeois rule in South Africa? What have they done there? And what are the tasks of the native proletariat in the struggle to better their daily conditions, protect themselves from physical and moral extermination; and to assist the struggle to kick out these robbers?  

The Europeans came to South Africa at a very early date. They came professing to consolidate the country, for its growth, advancement and to better the conditions of the native masses. But in reality their aim was 1) to make huge profits through the port of entry and off the marauding traders, 2) the traders (the Dutch East India Company, etc.) aimed to gobble up everything they could that would bring a pound or a dollar through cheating and robbing the natives, 3) to drive the natives off their land and to take the best and richest for their own selfish use, 4) and, instead of the advancement of the natives, to degenerate them morally and physically, squeezing every drop of blood out of them, by slavery, serfdom and to exterminate them. This we shall show.
The Europeans settled at Capetown and robbed the country through trading and marauding. The British and Boers began to break down the power and resistance of the natives for the control of their lands by the defeat of the powerful Zulus under Dingaan in 1838; they forced a Treaty, taking the best and richest land around Natal. The whites then used a policy of "divide and rule" and set up civil war between the tribes which all but broke the power and resistance of the natives, and gave the whites easy sailing. In  1879 the Zulus were again defeated. 

*The political party of the working class — the Communist Party — acting independently as a class revolutionary party will organize and unite all the revolutionary forces of South Africa, lead the struggle to overthrow the present bourgeois rule; and carry through the nationalist revolutionary struggle, to set up a Native Republic with full safeguards for the racial minorities — Europeans, Asiatics and others, and organize the country on a socialist basis. 


Meanwhile "Her Majesty's Government" at London instituted a series of ruthless campaigns in the Capetown region, breaking completetly the power and resistance of the Amazosa, or "Kafirs". She broke up their tribes, confiscated their lands and left them in a frightful condition of economic dependency and slavery. The Basutos in like manner had their lands taken. In the Transvaal, the est upper lands of the natives were taken; they drove them into the "locations" and reserves of the lowlands which were most unhealthy regions and which were already overcrowded; or they drove them into the European owned farms. In 1884 the British Government at London gave independence to the Transvaal and the Orange Free State under the whites, with absolute disregard for the naties, their rights and their conditions. In 1885 every inch of even the last "locations" were gone from the natives. Then set in more bloody British imperialist and white bourgeois rule and reign. 

General Condition of Natives in South Africa

There are in the Union of South African 5,277,023 Natives (Negros); 1,738,937 Europeans; 761,623 Coloureds, Asiatics, and others (over 500,000 of these are coloured); a total of 7,777,583 inhabitants. The Natives therefore are 67,7% of the entire population. 
The Union consists of Capetown, the Orange Free State, Natal and Transvaal, having a total of 417,917 square miles; of this the Europeans own 260,000,000 acres and the natives own 40,000,000 acres. 

Four and a half million natives live on the "land", the remaining two million live on European owned farms. Even a bourgeois writer says that the masses of natives on the reserves are living at the starvation point, and those on European owned farms are below even this. Each year the needs of the natives increase, while taxes for cattle dipping and other charges drive the able-bodied men to the cities as wage-earners. In the Herschel district some 40,000 natives consumed on an average of £ 3 per year and one half of this had to be earned in the cities by the able-bodied men and brought back to the reserves. By spending their time in the cities the able-bodied men are lost to the reserves, resulting in lower production in the reserves, then comes the drought with no measures against it, then as the Europeans artificially force up land values the natives are pushed off the reserves into the already overcrowded "locations". The struggle for food is fierce. The death rate is high. 

The infantile death rate in 1924 in one of the Transvaal regions was found to be over 500 and is on the increase now. Health department reports show that typhus is prevalent throughout native regions; scurvy coming from poor nourishment is also prevalent; in 1929 in Zululand malaria "was most devastating". A careful investigation in the Grahamtown district for the period from 1904 to 1916 showed a very high infantile death rate, births exceeding deaths in only two of the twelve years. About the state time in East London it was 400 out of 1000. In Johannesburg in 1922—1924 the infant death rate was "enormously high", 565 out of a thousand. At Pietermaritzburg in 1929 eleven infants out of 83 born, lived. In one Reeftown recently every infant born, died. 

In the European owned farms "native labour is bred" in the low fever stricken regions, and held to be drawn on when big crops come. The natives are otherwise contracted to work for 180 day periods, 14 days on and 14 days off. This spacing of their time is done not only to keep them from going to the towns, but to spread their time over a longer period, and they are not paid for the time in between. Women and children are bound to the farms for 365 days a year. In