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[[Ad]]journed or special meetings may be held whenever, in their discretion, they are required.

SEC. 17. At the first session the Committee shall elect a Chairman.

SEC. 18. The School Committee and their successors in office shall be body politic and corporate in law, and, as such, may be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law, and may receive any gift, grant, donation or devise made for the use of any school or schools within their jurisdiction, and, moreover, in their corporate capacity, they shall be, and are hereby entrusted with the care and custody of all school houses, school house sites, grounds, books, apparatus or other public school property belonging to their respective jurisdictions, with full power to control the same in such manner as they may deem best for the interests of public schools and the cause of education; and when, in the opinion of the Committee, any school house or school house site, or other public school property, has become unnecessary for school purposes, they may sell to the highest bidder and convey the same in the name of the School Committee of the proper Township, after twenty days' notice being given of such sale; such conveyance to be executed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Committee, and the avails of such sale shall be paid to the County Treasurer for the benefit of schools in the Township, and all conveyances in real estate which may be made to said Committee, shall be to said Committee in their corporate name and to their successors in office. 

SEC. 19. The School Committee shall, as occasion may require, designate, and purchase, or lease, or receive by donation, suitable sites for school houses; and whenever they are unable thus to obtain sites, they shall report to the County Commissioners, with the reasons why they have not procured the same; and the County Commissioners thereupon shall appoint three disinterested citizens, who shall lay off not more than two acres, and not less than one half acre, a site for each school house required to be built, and condemn the same for 

the use aforesaid, and assess the value thereof; which assessed value shall be paid by the School Committee out of the Township school fund, to the owner of the land so condemned, or into the office of the County Treasurer for the benefit of such owner; and the land condemned and paid for shall be vested in the Committee and their successors; Provided, That the County Commissioners shall not condemn any land improved by buildings, culture or otherwise; And provided further, That if, after the purchase, the Committee see fit to remove the school, then the original owner of the land, or his vendee, shall have the right to take the land at the original price, with the privilege to the Committee of removing the building or other improvements. 

SEC. 20. The School Committee shall, in one month after their term of office commences, report in writing to the County Commissioners the number and condition of school houses in the Township; and on failure so to report, shall each forfeit and pay five dollars, to be recovered by suit before any Justice of the Peace, in the name of the County Commissioners.

SEC. 21. The said Committee shall prepare a map of their respective Townships as often as they shall deem it necessary, on which shall be designated the location of the several schools of the Township, which location they may change or alter at any regular session of the Committee; and shall regulate the number of scholars assigned to each school; and in the location of schools, the Committee shall have reference to population and neighborhood, having due regard to any school house already built or site procured, and to whatever other circumstances may effect the best interests of the schools. 

SEC. 22. The Committee is hereby required:

1. To furnish to each teacher a list of the pupils assigned his or her school. 

2. To suspend from the privileges of the schools any pupils found guilty of disorderly conduct, which suspension shall not extend beyond the current session of the school.

3. To employ and dismiss teachers, attendants, mechanics,