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E.B. 1092 Vol 1, 1869

War Dept. BRFAL
Office Chf Qr Master
Washington Aug 11 '69

Respectfully referred to Bt Lt. Col. J M Brown, D.O. &c. who will please cause the repairs and other improvements within required, to be made

By command of Bt Maj Genl O O Howard
Henry M Whittelsey

RECEIVED * A & D. OFFICE D.C. * AUG 11 1869

Thos Evans
G Lacombe
Aug 11/69
O&R Book pages 233 & 234


Office C.Q.M. Bu RF & AL
Aug 11, 1869

H. M. Whittelsey

Directs that certain repairs and improvements be made at Lincoln Buildings, on request of J A Cole, Agent Ed'n Fund.