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Second Year. No. 22 | WASHINGTON, D.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1934 | Price 2 Pennies

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Lawyers Ask AlliancetoHalt Boycott

Alliance Refuses To Stop Until Colored Persons Are Employed

So effective has been the picketing and boycotting of High's Ice Cream Store, in the 3100 block of Eleventh Street, northwest, that lawyers for the recalcitrant company have made overtures to officials of the New Negro Alliance asking that they withdraw the pickets.
To date the requests of the High representatives have been refused because they (High's) wish to have the pickets withdrawn first and talk terms afterwards. The future course of the lawyers for High cannot be ascertained, but the picket is going on, and with it, according to Alliance statisticians, is going the lucrative business of that particular store, as well as the other High stores in colored neighborhoods.


The manager of the High store has tried several times to get action from the police department to save his dwindling business. Last week one of the Alliance pickets was carried to the police station only to be released with words of warning. Since that time the place has been constantly watched by policemen in squad cars who hoped for some infraction of known laws. Some policemen even attempted to approach supervisors in 

Continued on page 4

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Order Signed For Opening Of Industrial

Bank On "Holiday" For Over A Year To Open Aug. 15

The authorization for the opening of the Industrial Savings Bank was signed last Wednesday by Coptroller of Currency J.F.T. O'Connor.
It was announced that the new bank under the name of The Industrial Bank of Washington will open its doors for business August 15. Jesse H. Mitchell has been named president of new institution.

Ku Klux Klan Official and Wife Go to Prison
By Capital News Service 

JACKSONVILLE, FLA. - Edward Young Clarke, former high official in the Ku Klux Klan, was sentenced in Federal Court here to five years in the Atlanta Penitentiary on six counts of using the mails to defraud in connection with the organization of Esskaye, a fraternal order.
His wife, Mrs. Martha Ann Clarke, was sentenced to two years in the Women's Federal Industrial Institute at Alderson, W. Va., on each of the six counts. Sentences were made to run concurrently on each of the counts. 

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New York Department Store Hires Colored Following Bitter Fight

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By Capital News Service
NEW YORK CITY. - The Citizens League for Fair Play won a decisive victory last week when they succeeded ni securing employment for colored clerks in the L.M. Blumstein Store, on West 125th Street, ni the heart of Harlem. The fight had been waging for several weeks, and the manager, William Blumstein, had retained his stubborn views against employing colored people, until his new business became so impaired, and heavy losses stared him in the face, that he decided to increase the personnel of his working staff by employing colored clerical and sales help. The store will take 

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on fifteen persons in August, and twenty more in September, and there-after such numbers as business conditions will warrant.
The Rev. J.H. Johnson, vicar of S. Martin's Episcopal Church, who led the boycott, is responsible for the victory. Three-fourths of the trade of Blumstein's is colored, and during the fight, the colored trade diminished to such an extent that the store suffered heavy losses. This is the second fight for fair play in Harlem, in which the Negroes have been victorious. Recently, the Kock Department Store added several colored clerks and sales help to its staff.

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The Pleasant Plains Citizens Association and the New Negro Alliance are the sponsors of a mass meeting Saturday night, August 11 at the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Sherman Ave. and Lamont Street N.W.
The meeting will be addressed by several speakers and musical numbers are part of the program. The mass meeting is organized as a protest against the continued refusal of the High Ice Store, 3120 11th St. N.W., to employ colored people. The store has been boycotted for the past fortnight by the neighborhood.
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Oxley Scored For New Deal "Generalities"

Labor Commissioner Called Conformist By Richmond Paper 

By Capital News Service
WASHINGTON. - The Richmond Planet of August 4 severely criticizes Lieut. Lawrence T. Oxley for his defense of the ew Deal, at the recent meeting of Labor Institute held in New York city. The editorial states:
"It was perfectly natural for Lieut. Oxley, Chief of the Negro Divison of Labor to rush to the defense of the 'New Deal' when it was attacked by representative Negro leaders *** Lieut. Oxley knows how to get jobs and to hold them. What does the hardships worked on Negro labor and small Negro business men by NRA, to say nothing of the flagrant discrimination against Negroes in every Federal Relief project, mean to this distinguished  member of the "Black Cabinet," who is a confirmed pacifist and conformist?
"It is alright for the Lieutenant to continue in Washington his job-getting and job-holding proclivities, procticed so successfully in North Carolina, but it decidedly unfair to Negroes for him to ascribe their plight to lack of faith in themselves and to proclaim that the Negro is not 'organized minded' ***
He should quit running around the country blaming Negroes for conditions for which they are in no wise responsible and making excuses for the downright injustices and discriminations practiced by the administra-
Continued on page 2

[[column 4]]
Louisiana Has All-Colored Lynching Bee

Mob Of Colored Persons Lynch Colored Man Over Colored Girl

SHREVEPORT, LA - Because he was charged with attacking a colored girl, Grafton Page, 30, was lynched last Friday by a mob composed of members of his own race.
A gang of about 10 person tied him to a tree, stripped him and then beat him to death with pine knots, according to official reports.
No arrests have been made to date.

Virgin Islanders To Get $109,200 To Fight Malaria

By Captial News Service
ST. THOMAS, V.I. - In 1931 a malaria epidemic swept the Virgin Islands, 2,000 cases being reported. Secretary Ickes has just allocated $109,200 for reclaiming two extensive swamp areas which form the breeding places for the malaria mosquito. By eliminating the swamps, the Interior Department expects to make an outstanding contribution to the health of the Virgin Islands. 

Nominated For Committeewoman In New York

By Capital News Service
NEW YORK CITY. - Mrs. Sara Pelham Speaks, who successfully managed the Fusion Campaign in the eastern half of the twentysecond assembly district last year, has been designated by David Krause, Republican leader of the district, for the honorary post of state committeewoman. The designation will have to

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Roosevelt Told Public Works Injustices 

Discrimination On Public Works Scored By N.A.A.C.P.

President Roosevelt and Secretary of Interior Ickes have been asked by the N.A.A.C.P. to investigate discrimination in the employment of colored persons on Public Works projects.
Walter White, secretary of the Association wired the President and the Interior Secretary that "few if any American Negroes are employed" in in the majority of projects. The telegram were the result of press reports that members of the Cabinet would inspect several projects.
The telegram to President Roosevelt was as follows:
"President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Portland, Oregon:
We note in the press that you and members of your cabinet will inspect several public works projects on your way East. May we urge that as you conduct your inspection tour you take careful note that in a majority of these projects few, if any, American Negro citizens are employed. IN practically all the public works projects initiated thus far, and especially the Boulder Dam project, Negroes have been discriminated against. WE trust you will watch for this and with Secrearyy Ickes take every possible step to correct this grieous situation.
Walter White, Secretary,
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."

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Georgia Frees Communist on $15,000 Bond Pending Court Appeal

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ATLANTA. - Angelo Herndon young Negro communist under sentence of 18 to 20 years in the Georgia chain gang for distributing communist literature has been released on $15,000 bond, pending appeal of his case to the United States Supreme Court.
Herndon's conviction in January, 1933, under an old statute making it a crime to incite insurrection stirred nationwide indignation. His offense was the possession of literature such as can be found on the shelves of any 

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metropolitan public library. The "farcial" trial was described at a public meeting of the New Negro Alliance last winter by Benjamin J. Davis, Jr., militant young Negro lawyer who defended Herndon. Mr. Davis has recently become editor of a communist paper in New York City.
The Herndon defense is in the hands of the International Labor Defense, which is reported reported to have supplied the high bond required by the Georgia court.